Chapter 11

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Hailey's POV
I woke up and smiled when I saw Kim cuddled into me; looking up at me cutely.

"Good morning." She said before kissing me.

"Good morning baby." I replied.

"What are your plans for today?" She asked.

"I'm watching Summer for Harper." I replied and she kissed me. A knock on the door interrupted us.

"Speak of the devil." I said getting up. I went to my front door and opened it to see Summer and Harper.

"Hey, come on in princess." I said bending down to Summer's height. I brought her inside and said goodbye to Harper. Kim came out of my bedroom.

"Auntie Kim!" Summer said excitedly, running over to her.

"Hey blondie." Kim replied, messing up Summer's hair. I chuckled and we went and sat on the couch.

"I have a question." Summer said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can you tell me why I never had a daddy?" She asked and Kim and I sighed.

"Honey..." I started.

"I want you to tell me. Mommy never says anything. I want to know!" She said, starting to get annoyed. I texted Harper and asked her if I was allowed to tell Summer. She said it was okay and she prefers that I'm doing it because she didn't know if she would be strong enough. I moved Summer onto my lap.

"I'm going to tell you. It might be a bit hard for you to understand." I said and she nodded.

"Babies are made when a man and a woman have sex. It is where a man and a woman put their genitals together. The reason that your mommy didn't want to tell you how you were made is because your story is a bit different." I said and she tilted her head in confusion.

"What do you mean auntie hailey?" Summer asked.

"You were made because of something called rape." I said and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Rape is where someone forces another person to have sex. One day, your mommy was on her way home when a man pulled her into an alley. He forced himself in her when she didn't want to. A few weeks later, she found out she was pregnant with you." I said tearing up.

"So I wasn't supposed to be here." She said sadly, looking down. I lifted her chin to look at me.

"You weren't planned, but your mom loves you more than anything in this world. You are the best thing that has ever happened to her." I said reassuringly and she nodded. She hugged my chest.

"Thank you for telling me auntie hailey." She said. I started stroking her hair.

"It's okay kiddo." I said.

"That's the reason we don't know who your daddy is." I said and she started shaking her head.

"I know who my daddy is." She said and Kim and I looked at her confused.

"Adam is my daddy." She said and we both smiled. We sat watching a movie. Suddenly, mine and Kim's phones buzzed. We caught a case. We decided to take Summer with us and she can play in the break room. We got to the district and everyone else was there. Voight was in his office talking to some people. He came out of his office and greeted us all.

"We have been asked to help with a case that another unit is working on." He said. The detectives came out of his office and I was shocked. I glanced at Harper and it looked like smoke was about to start coming out of her ears.

"I'm sorry Sarge, but I refuse to work with that asshole." She said, referring to Sargent Dodds.

"Me too." I said backing her up. Everyone else looked at us in confusion.

"Well if it isn't the Upton twins." Sargent Dodds said.

"I swear I'm going to kill him." Harper said. I held her back.

"What is going on?" Voight asked.

"We met Sargent Dodds 6 years ago. He is the sort of cop I despise. Harper had just been raped and we went and reported it. Dodds and his unit said they were investigating, even though they barely did anything. He sat Harper and I down and told us there was nothing he could do because there wasn't any evidence, even though the doctor found semen during the rape kit. He suggested that Harper wanted to have sex with the guy and decided to make a story about rape for attention. He said that if she was raped, she deserved it because of what she was wearing, even though she was wearing sweats." I said angrily and everyone stood there in shock.

"I said nothing of the sort." Dodds replied.

"Oh really? I have the whole thing on video." I said shaking my phone. I connected my phone to the electronic board so everyone could see. I played the video and everyone stood there shocked.

"Dodds, if you don't get out of here right now, I'm going to report you." Voight said angrily. Dodds and his team left.

"I'm still going to report him." Voight said smugly and I chuckled slightly. We all sat down at our desks.

"Hailey, why do you have millions of chocolate bars in your desk?" Kev asked. He went to grab one and I swatted his hand away.

"Not for you." I said pointing my finger at him. He raised his arm in defence. I picked one up and aimed it at Harper.

"Sis catch." I said and she caught it. She began eating  the chocolate.

"Thanks hails." She replied.

"And that is why I have lots of chocolate in my desk. Trust me, shark week is not the one for this one." I said motioning towards Harper.

After a while, we all decided to go home. Kim and I cuddled in bed before falling asleep.

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