Chapter 10

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*6 months later*

Adam's POV
Harper and I have been together for 6 months now. Things are going great. I was in the grocery store with Harper and Summer. Summer was in the cart and I was pushing it.

"Mommy, can I have chocolate milk?" Summer asked, making puppy dog eyes. I chuckled.

"Nope." Harper replied.

"Pleaseeeeee." Summer begged.

"Yeah, pleaseeeeee." I said looking at Harper. She chuckled at my stupidity.

"Fine." Harper said and Summer and I high fived. We went down another aisle and Summer looked bored.

"What's with your face?" I asked crouching face to face with her.

"I don't like sitting in the cart." She said.

"Why? It's amazing. You don't have to walk. You get a free car ride." I said and she giggled. She started to get bored again so I swerved the cart down the aisle and she giggled. I stopped when my arms got tired.

"Don't stop daddy." She said and I was shocked. Harper's eyes went wide. She smiled at me. I carried on moving the cart and Summer carried on giggling while Harper did the food shopping. I was stunned. I can't believe that Summer called me daddy. I don't know if she meant to or not, but it felt amazing. Once we had finished shopping, we headed home and sat on the couch. Summer went to bed and Harper and I sat watching a movie. Suddenly, she straddled my waist and started kissing me passionately. She started to lift my top off. I pulled back.

"Harper, are you sure?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes." She said and I continued on kissing her. I lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom. We had sex. Harper laid on top of me. I kissed her head and rubbed her bare back.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I replied. She lifted her head off my chest and kissed me.

The next morning, I was woken up by movement in the bed and talking. I heard Harper and Summer talking. From the sound of them, I could tell that Summer was sat on top of Harper. I didn't open my eyes, I wanted to listen to their conversation.

"Why did you call Adam daddy yesterday?" Harper asked.

"My friend tells me about stuff she does with her daddy and Adam does those things with me. Am I in trouble momma?" Summer asked.

"No, of course not baby. Do you want Adam to be your daddy?" She asked. Summer didn't give a verbal reply.

"Okay baby, talk to him about it later." Harper said.

"Okay momma." Summer replied. I groaned and opened my eyes.

"Good morning." Harper said kissing me.

"Ewwwwww." Summer said and we both chuckled.

"Have I got school today?" Summer asked.

"Nope. It's Sunday, the one day we all have off." I replied. We went and sat on the couch. Harper went to the bathroom and Summer looked at me nervously.

"Is everything okay Summer?" I asked.

"Umm can we speak?" She asked tilting her head.

"What about?" I asked. She climbed on my lap and sat facing me.

"I have a question." She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can I call you daddy?" She asked and I was shocked. Tears brimmed my eyes.

"Of course you can princess." I said and she smiled. She laid on my chest, her fingers playing with my shirt. Harper came out of the bathroom and smiled when she saw Summer and I. She came and sat down next to us. Suddenly, the front door burst open. Hailey came rushing in with the team following close behind her.

"Hey guys, come on in." Harper said sarcastically and I chuckled.

"I have pure gold in my hands right now." Hailey said.

"What?" She asked.

"I was speaking to grandma. Do you remember whenever we were at her house? She would always video everything on that camera." Hailey replied and Harper nodded eagerly.

"I have the tapes in my hand." Hailey added. She went and put the tapes in the tv. Everyone sat on the couch with us. Hailey pressed play.

Hailey and Harper are 5 years old. They are playing with their dollhouse.

"Hailey!! You can't put the dog there. You are playing wrong." Harper complained.

"You can't play dollhouses wrong. I want to put the dog there." Hailey replied. She started to cry.

"Why are you crying?" Harper asked confused.

"I wanted to put the dog there to protect the little girls." She answered looking down. Harper hugged hailey and put the dog where it was originally.

"That was sweet." Kevin said.

Hailey and Harper are 15 years old. Harper is filming. Hailey is crying and pacing. Harper is laughing.

"You really need to calm down." Harper said.

"Don't tell me to calm down. I'm freaking out. You should be freaking out for me." Hailey replied annoyed.

"Why should I be freaking out? You're the one who might have a bun in the oven." Harper replied still laughing.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny."

"Oh, but it is."

Harper turned the camera to face her.

"Auntie Harper has a nice ring to it." She said.

"Stop, this isn't funny. Dad is going to kill me if I'm pregnant, literally." Hailey replied.

The timer buzzed and hailey looked at it. It was negative.

"Oh thank god." Hailey said.

"Woohoo, let's go get drunk." I said.

"Harper, that's how we got here," Hailey said looking at Harper, "but you don't have to tell me to get drunk twice."

Everyone started laughing.

"Our teenage years were eventful." Harper said and I chuckled.

"Yeah, you had more pregnancy scares than I did." Hailey replied.

"True." Harper replied. We carried on watching the tapes. They were very funny. We all saw the bruises on Harper's and Hailey's bodies, but we didn't say anything. Everyone left after a while. It was 3pm. Harper, Summer and I were sat on the couch. Summer looked upset.

"Is everything okay princess?" Harper asked.

"I don't feel too good." Summer replied.

"Okay. Does it hurt anywhere? Do you have a tummy ache?" She asked.

"It doesn't hurt. I don't have a tummy ache. My tummy feels funny." Summer replied.

"Do you feel sick? Or are you nervous?" Harper asked.

"I feel nervous." Summer answered quietly.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just feel weird." She replied looking at me. She climbed on top of Harper and laid on her chest. Harper turned around so she was laid across the couch, her head resting on my chest. I kissed her head. I could spend every day cuddled up with them. They are my family.

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