Chapter 12

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Adam's POV
I was woken up by Summer jumping on me.

"Happy birthday daddy." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you princess." I said. Harper kissed me.

"Happy birthday bubba." She said. Both Harper and Summer left the room. I was confused. They came back in after a few minutes; Harper carrying a tray with breakfast on. I smiled.

"Breakfast in bed." She said.

"Thank you babe." I said and she kissed me. Summer sat in front of me, eyeing up my french toast.

"Would you like a bit?" I asked and she nodded excitedly. She took a bite.

"All mine!" She said excitedly and I chuckled. We had breakfast and sat talking. We had the day off today. Harper and Summer left again.

"Are you guys going to keep leaving me?" I asked. I heard Harper chuckle. They came back with presents in their hands.

"What's this?" I asked as they sat back on the bed.

"Birthday means presents." Summer said smiling. I opened my presents from Harper first. She got me a watch that I wanted. I was surprised because it was very expensive. I opened my last gift from her. It was a bottle of massage oil. I looked at her confused.

"Read the note." She said. I turned the bottle over to see a little handwritten note.

Our line of work is stressful and time consuming. Whenever you've had a bad day and your body aches, just let me know and you get a free massage.

I looked at Harper and smiled. I kissed her.

"You're amazing." I said.

"I could say the same." She replied.

"Daddy, open mine next." Summer said bouncing up and down. She gave me a small gift. I opened it to see a stack of little pieces of paper. On the top it read , 'Coupons for daddy'. I looked at the individual pieces of paper.

• I help daddy make breakfast
• I cuddle daddy when he sad
• I give daddy a big hug
• I help daddy clean the house
• I tell daddy I love him when he sad
• I watch a movie that daddy wants to watch instead of watching movies I want to watch

I looked up at Summer with tears in my eyes.

"That is the best gift anyone has ever gotten me." I said and she smiled.

"I've got one more." She said. She handed me another gift. I opened it to see papers. I read the words.

Adoption of Summer Upton

Legal Guardians:

Mother — Harper Upton
Step Father — Adam Ruzek

I smiled with tears in my eyes and looked up at Summer and Harper. Summer hugged me and kissed my cheek. What an amazing way to spend my morning. We got up and went and sat on the couch.

"Can we have a PJ day?" Summer asked.

"You have to get dressed." Harper said.

"No ma'am. It's my birthday, I make the rules. I say we cuddle on the couch all day and do nothing." I said pouting at Harper. She chuckled.

"I'd argue with you, but I'm liking the sound of that." She said and I smiled. I kissed her. Harper, Summer and I sat on the couch and we put on a movie. After a few minutes, I looked over at Harper and saw she was holding her stomach. I wrapped my arm around her and she winced in pain.

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