Date part 2

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Camila's point of view


"Why yes my love."

"I was wondering what else do you have planed for tonight?"

"Well since it seems like your not going to stop till I tell you something we have dinner reservations in 20 minuets to your favorite place."

"Well considering the fact that both of our hair is ruined from the water and my favorite place around here is where ever you are and you never actually mean dinner reservations when you say it I'm thinking either McDonald's or Pizza Hut."

"Which one would you rather go to?"

"Honestly I'm not really in the mood for pizza so McDonald's."

"Aright then let's go!" She said as she took off.

"Babe slow down I'm nine mouths pregnant and I jut swam please slow down."


When i caught up with her we walked the rest of the way to the car and I sat in the car waiting on Lauren to get off her phone and drive she was texting someone. I will have to ask her later who she was texting knowing her probably Simon or one of the girls to make sure we are still of from work and that the are all fine and there still coming down in 3 days.

Lauren's point of view

When we go to the car I got a text. I unlocked my phone and it was from Ally she said that her and the girls really miss each other and me and Camila and were wondering if they could fly out tonight and surprise Camila in the morning I told them that would be amazing because I can tell that Camila really misses them because she might not have said anything about it but in her eyes and the way she acts it tells me that over the time I was planing this amazing date she ha convinced her self that me and the girls ha gotten sick of her pregnant mode swings and needed to get away from her in a way we all were sick of the mood swings but in no way did we wish to get as far away form her as we could. Ally just told me that her and the other girls feel really bad that wen they were with Camila they would always complain about her crazy mood swings because when they text her that get sad short responses now and either Camila is mad at them or just frustrated that she was left alone normally when we are on break I hangout with her at least once every other week but since I haven't really actually had a good conversation with her in the past month I am see where she is mad at all of us.

"Sorry about that I got a text from Ally confirming that your due date was in three days and that they will be flying down here and all of them will arrive here sometime around noon the day before."

"Aright." And with that we drove to McDonald's.

"How many times have you had a good conversation with Dinah over the break?" Camila asked while eating her Big Mac.

"Well I don't know maybe around 5."

"Oh and Ally?"

"About 8 or 9."

"Well and Normani?"

"About 5 maybe 6."


"How about you how many have you had with them?"

"Normani about 2 Dinah 4 maybe and Ally 2 maybe."

"Why haven't you talked to them."

"I call them I text them I get sorry I'm busy call you back later to text you later and never get a call never get a text just like it was with you except you would call me back or text me back just we didn't stay on the phone that long they just never call or text back and if they do there rarely ever actual conversations that last long."

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