I know

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Lauren's point of view

Once all of the girls left the room Ally told me something that gave me confidence that maybe I could steal Camila's heart.

"Look I can tell that Mila likes you she just does not want to admit it until she can accept it her self I give it two days and she will finally realize it to." Was all she said before she left the room.

Later that day

I finally can leave this hell we are walking through the exit right now and I decided that I would talk to Camz when we got home but then out of now were she came up to me pulled me to the side and kissed me. On instinct I kissed back then she pressed me against the wall and licked my lips asking for entrance which I gladly accepted our rouges fought for dominance but I let her win. After a few more minute of us making out she pressed me harder against the wall and started grinding on me that was when I started to get wet no not that way I was wet that way the a moment I looked at her I mean the top of my head was getting wet I broke the kiss to see what it was and it was Ally sprinkling holy water all over us saying your sins have been forgiven that made the moment really awkward and I just got in the car with the others following.

Once we were in the car I texted Camz

( texting Lauren - L Camila-C)

L- Hey what was that?

C-I talked to Normani about how she was able to tell if she was bisexual or not she told me she kissed a girl and liked it then she became attracted to girls. So I figured that I should kiss you to find out if I liked you or not and as soon as our lips touched it was like heaven with fireworks so then I just got more passionate till Ally ruined it. but I found out I really do like you Lauren more than a friend.

With those simple words my whole heart stopped and I was speechless.

L-I love you to would you do me the honor of going to get pizza with me later?

C- oh my gosh Lolo you get me so much I would love to go with you as long as its a date.

L-trust me it is.


---------------------------------------------sorry had a little bit of writers block on this story still have it a little any ideas?

Next update:Thursday Friday or earlier if I can think of something to write for the story I have a story line but I can't put it in to good enough words sorry.

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