I knew it

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Lauren's point of view

I knew that once I told her this would happen but I decided to go ahead and let her know. when I ran off I had no clue were I was going I just could not be there anymore. so I keep running I ran out the building and into the street I was not paying any attention to where I was going when I heard someone yell.

"Lauren!" I turned around that's when I seem it a car combing strait for me I tried to move but was to later I heard a loud crash then it all went black.

Camila's point of view

I chased after her she ran in to the street and there was a car coming strait for her all I could do was yell her name and then I heard a loud crash. I looked up and all I saw was her laying on the ground. I ran to her and knelt down beside her by this time the driver of the car was right there beside us. I yelled "call an ambulance now!" at the guy and he eminently pulled out his phone and called the ambulance. after about 5 mins. the ambulance got there and put her on a gurney and wheeled her in the ambulance as I was following someone asked me who I was I responded with "her girlfriend."

They let me in the ambulance once we got to the hospital they took her to a room an made me wait in the waiting room the first thing I did was call Ally to tell the girls what had happened.

"Hey did you find her?"

"Yea but she ran out into the road and the driver did not see her and se got ran over we are at the hospital now as they won't tell me what is wrong with her."

"Omg we are all on our way now."


As I fished that I had tears in my eyes and I could not hold it in any more I just let it all out. I cried and cried and cried I did not even notice that the girls had got there until I was pulled into a hug then then more people joined the hug I looked up and the girls were all there.

"Hi." I choked out

"Hey." They all said with tears streaming down there faces.

All I could say after that is "I did this I'm the one that was to shocked when she told me she loved me I was the one that could not respond I'm the reason that she ran in the road it's all my fault."


So next update later to day or tomorrow that all I have to say so

Till next time stay strong


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