What to do

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Camila's point of view

"Is Camz here?" The doctor asked as he left Lauren's room.

"That's me is everything okay?"

"Yea she just woke up and all she has been asking for is you to talk to you."He told me.

"Okay thanks doc. can I go in?"

"Yea sure."

After I took a minute to make it look a little like I had not been crying eyes out I went in.

"Hey." I said as I enter the room.

"Oh my gosh Camz I'm sorry I ran out like that its just that I was scared that you might not want to be friends with me or have anything to do with me because you looked really shocked. I thought about it and I don't care if you like me back or not I just want to know if you do or don't I can't live without knowing." She told me as soon as I sat down next to her.

"Look Lauren at first I will admit I was scared that my best friend liked me more than a friend I was shocked then once you ran I didn't want you to do anything stupid so I ran after you as a friend but once you got hit by that car I was so worried that I don't think it was because your my best friend and waiting out there in that waiting room for the past few hours I think that I like you more than a friend but I don't want to lead you on then not actually like you so can we be friends for a little longer just to see if what I felt was just because you were laying in that street bleeding to death or because I truly love you I just don't want to hurt you so can you give me time to see of I like you more than a friend?"

"Okay as long as I still get to see you and we hangout like normal I will be okay with just friends." She told me.

After that we just sat there in silence not a awkward silence but a comfortable silence the kind that happens when both people are in deep thought.

Until I spoke up "Hey they won't let more than one person in at a time so you want me to leave and let someone else come in and see you?"

"No please stay with me a little longer?

"Alright but the girls are goings to kill me if I stay in here much longer because there falling apart without there weird crazy beanie loving best friend out there with them." I told her.

After about 20 more minutes of just laying there by each other I got up and told her that I should let one of the others come in and talk to her so they won't kill me. She just laughed and said "Yea Dinah might give you the poly beat down if you don't let her come and see for herself I'm fine."

All I did was laugh as I walked out the door.The girls jumped up an ran to me when they saw the door open.

"Oh there's that smile we have not saw in hours so is she okay?" Normani asked.

"She is perfectly fine Funny and crazy as usual." I told them all.

I heard a sigh of relief form all of them then they all asked who she wanted to see next. I told them that it did not matter as long as she got to see all of them she did not care. After I told them that Dinah was the first one to responded. She ran strait for the door and ran in I'm guessing I'm not the only one that missed Lauren.

"Looks like she missed Lauren just as much as Mila did."Normani said.

"Yea" we all said.

That was when I realized that Lauren's family was here. "When did you guys get here?"

"They got here shortly after you went in to see Lauren." Ally told me.

"So has Simon called any of you yet?"

"No" was all I heard and since we have spent all night at the hospital and its already 11:00 am I was beginning to think that Simon could not convince the people at Sony to sign us. So I got on my phone about to cheek twitter when I realized that I had a missed call form Simon. After I told the girls we all asked the doctor how many people could be in Lauren's room because we had to make an important phone call and she needed to hear so he told us that all 4 of us could be in the room for the phone call then back to only one person at a time. We walked into Lauren's room and told her and Dinah that Simon had called me so I dialed Simons phone and it rang 3 times before he picked up.

(Phone call: Camila:c Simon:s)

S: hello

C: Hey sorry I don't know if you were informed of this but last night Lauren was crossing to street and got hit by a car. So we are at the hospital now and I was in Lauren's room when you called but we are all here now so what did you need.

S: Well I just wanted to tell you all that I talked with the people from Sony and they all told me that they would have lost there minds if we did not sign you five. When Lauren gets out of the hospital call me and we will set up a meeting for you all to come up and sign all the papers to officially become Sony recording artist.

After that all I hear was screaming.

S: And Lauren I hope you get better I hate that you got hit. Well bye girls.

Bye we all yelled in unison than hung up after we hung up we all started to freak until I accidentally bump into Lauren's broke arm and she screams then we all calm down. "Well they will only let on person is at a time the only reason they let all of us in here is because we had to call Simon but now who's turn is it?" I asked. "mine." Ally screamed then the rest of us left the room.


Next update: Saturday or Sunday

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