Telling her

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Camila's point of view

After Simon told us he was going to see what he could do to get us all a recording contract we all freaked out after about 3 minuets of all of us freaking out I noticed that Normani and Lauren were gone I started looking around for them and I finally noticed them talking of to the side I decided to just let them talk and walk back to Ally and Dinah.

After a few minutes Normani and Lauren came back and told us that they both had something important to tell all of us and that they don't want everyone to hear us talking.

"Okay so lets go to our dressing room and talk there." I exclaimed

They all agreed and we walked to our dressing room that we all share. once we were in the room and the door was shut Normani and Lauren started whispering to each other. then they turned around to face us Normani informed us that they both had different news an that she was going to tell us hers then Lauren was going to tell us hers.

"Okay so what I'm about to inform you all of is directed to Dinah but I want all of you to hear so hear I go look Dinah ever since I fist saw you I new that there was something different about you and them i we became friends I realized that I was in love with you I understand that you are strait but I have been holding that in for a long time now and I just had to tell you."

"Oh my gosh I had no clue I don't really no what to tell you but I would have never really thought about being more than friends if you would of keep that a searcher but now that you mention it I have been having this feeling that I am attracted to u lately but I'm strait or at least I thought I was can I just think about it all?" Was what Dinah told her.

To be honest I was a little taken back by that to I was really shocked that Normani felt that way about Dinah.

Me, Dinah and Ally all talked that one day when we first meet we talked and it was about how Normani and Lauren were bisexual we all agreed that eventually one l them was going to fall for one of us and if that ever happened we promise that we would not ruin the band over it that no matter what we would keep the friend ship that we all have. I'm just really glad that it was not me that one of them fell for.

"Okay now I have something to tell you all but this is directed toward Camz I don't really now how to tell you this because you are my best friend I I don't want to ruin what we have together but remember that day that we watched that scary movie and you got so scared that when we all went to bed you came to my room and told me that you were scared then asked if u could sleep with me and before I answered you climbed in my bed and laid down and when I told you that you could stay you crawled over to my side of the bed and cuddled in to my side while I put my arm around you?"

I shook my head yes.

"Well that was the day that I figured out that I might have feelings for you that were more than just friends and I started thinking and I finally came to a conclusion that I really do love and I don't only love you I'm I'm love with you and look I know that you don't love me back and I can understand if you don't want to hangout with me anymore or even be my friend for that matter but please don't ruin the band over this."

I just sat there frozen unable to move I was in complete shock no matter him hard I tried to move I couldn't then I saw a tear fall from her eyes and that was enough to cause me to come out of my shock and try to get her to stop crying but it was to late she had already ran off.


So here's the next chapter any ideas just let me know also I was wondering if I should continue this story.

So till next time stay strong

Bye bye

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