The truth

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Lauren's point of view

When I got to the Vamps bus they rush t he door and Bradley picked me up and carried me inside he asked me what was wrong and I just cried harder after a few minutes I told them how I walked in the bus and found Austin and Camila having sex on the bus and they all said that was not Camila and maybe I should give her a chance I explain because she really loves me and that they can see it in her eyes when he is with me she I one of the happiest people in the world and there is no way he wanted to have sex with Austin.

"Maybe you guys are right but I'm still not going to talk to her if she wants to talk she can march her little ass down her and tell me the truth until then can I bunk in here?"

"Yes of course." Brantley said.


"Your welcome."

And with that there was a knock on the door I went to answer it and Normani walked in.

She pulled me to the couch and set down.

"Do you want to know the truth?"


"Okay we'll Austin walked I calming that Camren was fake a publicity stunt and when Camila said it was real he said well maybe I could change your mind let me handle what Lauren can't and he jumped on her and that's when the clothes started coming off and try an guess who told me this."


"No Sammy she was there the whole time but when the clothes started flying he ran to the bak to hide."


"Yea and Camila said that's is exactly what happened and how much we all hate Austin I know for a fact that that's what happened I know there not lying you my friend need to go talk to your girlfriend."

"Alright is she okay."

"If you call crying your eyes out in the middle of the floor curled up rocking back and forth whispering she hates me is okay then yes she fine." And that's when I ran as fast as I could on to the bus and wrapped my arms around her picked her up and brought her to the back of the bus were there is a room that we all hangout in sometimes I set her down and closed the door then set down right beside her whispering soft soothing things in her ear until she stop crying.

She said "Babe it was not my fault I did not want it to happen he forced me he raped me."

"I know and it's going to be okay we are going to call the cops and tell them." I told her.

"No don't tell the cops he will just get bailed out the next day and nothing will happen he will just come back for revenge." She said.

"Can I at least get a restraining order on he to where he can not be around any of us five ever agin and tell his record company?" I asked.

"That you can do but know one can get the cops in on this because I'm not going to prescharges." She said.

"Alright babe first thing tomorrow morning we will get all of that straitened out promise but now we need to go I sleep." I told her.

"Night babe I love you so much."

"You are the most beautiful perfect woman in the world I love you more than words can describe."


Hope you like it

Question- Does anyone even read this any more cause I'm beginning to think no one does?

Next update: end of the week maybe

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