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One mounts later

Lauren's point of view

"Okay babe this might be a little personal but I have to know have you had a period since Mahorny raped you?"

"Actually no."

"Oh my gosh have you took a pregnancy test?"


"I will walk down the road to the store and get one."

Ten minutes later

"Take it."

She walked into the bathroom and came out ten minutes later holding it in her hand with a schooled look on her face."Babe what does it say?"

She handed it to me. It read positive.

"Are you glad to have a child or sad?"

"Well after the convocation last month on the plane I decide if I was pregnant I would keep it but now I have no clue."

"What I said on the plane still stands I will support you in what ever you decide to do I will raise the kid I will be there for you for the abortion I will be in that delivery room with you I will do anything you want me to do I promise."

"Your so nice babe and know that I think about it I will keep it because I won't be raising it by my self as long as the girls are okay with me keeping it I will and I will put your name on the birth certificate instead of Austin."

"Babe I love you as I love you I say holding her stomach. All I have to say about the kid is I hope he or she has your eyes."

"Aww babe."

"Well I don't want him or her to look like him."

"True I mean Austin is very ugly and if our child looks like him gosh I would spoil that child even more than I already do because he or she would be so ugly."


"When do you want to tell the girls I was going to tell them now they are all watching a movie so I figured we could jus walk in there wait on it to end and when it does tell them."


When we walked in there they were watching the notebook Camila loves that movie so we sat down and finished it with them once we all stopped crying Camila said "I need to tell you something.

"Okay" they all responded.

"I'm pregnant."

"Mahorny got you pregnant or does Lauren have a dick?" Dinah asked.

"No Lauren does not have a dick and yes that bitch of a rapist got me pregnant."

"Are you keeping it?"

"I have talked to Lauren she said she does not care she will support me in anything I decide to do and if I keep she will help raise it so I have decide if its fine with all of you to keep it but if any of you say no I won't because this will effect Fifth Harmony as a whole and this whole house hold so what you say."

"I'm fine with it." Ally said.

"Me too." Dinah said.

"Me three." Normani said.


Hope you like so Camila is having a baby love it sorry for the late update I had the flu.

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