All I could do

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Camila's point of view

"Look yes she did run because you did not respond to her but you were shocked at least you ran after her so now just I case she does not remember then you know what happened so you can help her and you can tell the doctor the whole story of what happened." Ally told me.

"I guess your right thanks Allycat."

After that it was silent all you could her were the nurses and doctors talking and running back and all of us crying. The hours were going by as slow as they could possibly go but finally after 3 hours the doctor came out of her room.

"Family and Friends of Lauren Jauregui." The doctor said.

As soon as those words left his mouth I ran to him.

"Her family lives in Miami and they are going to be on the next flight but we are her friends well really we are like her sisters but anyway is she okay and I know I'm rambling on and on and I do this when I worried please just tell me my best friend is okay."

"Well when your friend first got here she was slowly slipping into a coma but she is very lucky that you called us when you did because if not then she would be in a coma but I was able to get her out of the track of falling into a coma but she is unconscious and will be for a few more hours also her left side took most of the impact so she has a broken left arm and and a few broke ribs. other than that she seems to be fine but this whole time she has been unconscious so I don't know if she remembers anything you may go and see her as soon as she wakes up. Any questions that you want to ask me?"

"I have one what if when she wakes up she does not remember anything then what will we do." Normani asked.

"Well the way that her body hit the car and the ground if she does not remember anything it should only last a few hours at the most. After about 3 to 4 hours she should remember everything but I'm pretty sure she will remember everything." He answered her I could hear a sigh of relief come from all of our mouths as he finished.

After he walked away we all got into a group hug. "I have no clue what I would do without Lauren." I told them.

"Same I think we would all be lost us without Lauren is like Ally without her bible." Dinah told us.

"Really guys but yea agreed we would be lost without Lauren." Ally told us.

After that we sat back down while I texted Lauren's mom she told me that they were about to board the plane and it will land at 11:00. it was 7:00 now and the doctor said that she would not wake up for a few more hours so I told that she should be awake or about to be awake around the time that they land.

3 hours later

Lauren's point of view

After I heard Camz yell my name all I remember is hearing her yell at the driver to call the ambulance the when we got to the hospital them tell Camz she had to go to the waiting room and them having to hold her back while the door closed so she could not get in. At that moment it made me think maybe he does care for me but was just to shocked that I loved her back to say anything an that I over reacted. then it all went black again.

When I woke up agin I was in a hospital room alone just me and all the machines that were hooked up to me then I noticed that there was a cast on my left arm and a my ribs were bandaged up then I felt a sharp pain in my ribs I pressed the nurse button and the doctor came into my room.

"Oh good your up so you have a few broken ribs and your left leg is broken do you remember what happened exactly?"

"Yes I was running away for my friend because I got mad and as I crossed the road I heard my friend scream my name then I turned an there was a car there trying to slow down but did not succeed and it hit me then the rest is all a blur." I told him he nodded his head.

"Well does anything hurt?"

"Yes my side is killing me it feels like someone it staving me."

"Okay we'll I will go an get you some pain meds for that."

"Okay doc and also is Camz here I really want to see her?"

"Well I'm not to sure if she is her but there are four girls out there that claim to be your best friends."

"Can you see if one is Camz?"

"Of course."

With that he left the room he came back about three minutes later with some pain meds.

"Okay so now I will go and see if your friend is here."

"Thank you doc."

"Your welcome miss Jauregui."

"Please call me Lauren miss Jauregui is just to old sounds like I'm my mom."

"Okay Lauren I'm going to see if Camz is here."


Sorry I was going to update yesterday but something's happened at school and it was me and one teacher vs. two other teachers cause me phone got took up then when she was giving it back another teacher started yelling at me for being a bitch in art class when the teacher in there is a bitch and I'm one of those people that if your a bitch to me I'm one right back but any way long story short my phone was sent to the office but instead of my parents having to get it thank God I had a teacher on my side cause she got it fixed were I could get it this morning an my parents not even know but anyway that's why I did not update yesterday so yea.

Also sorry if there are miss spelt words or no capital letters or something because I was just trying to get an update in before you all killed me.

Next update: Thursday

Till next time stay strong

Bye bye

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