The date

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Lauren point of view

Three hours later

Okay so I'm in my room still shocked about what all has happened today when I look at the clock and it 20 minute till my date with Camz so I run around and get ready. after that I went to Camz's bedroom door and knocked.

When she opened the door I was frozen even though she was wearing what she would were an a regular day she still looked stunning. I was brought away from my thoughts when she told me "okay enough checking each other out let's go get pizza."


Then I walked out the door she walked to the car but I told her "lets walk we get more time together and I would rather walk so we can talk."


After about 5 minutes of walking hand in hand down the street in a comfortable silence I broke it " About earlier you literally just had told me you wanted to be friends then 2 hours later you press me against a wall and make out with me what made you change your mind?"

"Well once I left the room Mani and Dinah started asking me question and they would type the question then what I answered after about ten questions they handed me the phone and told me to go over it and see if it sounded like I liked you more than a friend and it did. Then Ally walked out a pulled el to the side and told me look I now you like her and if your scared that no one will accept it stop go for it take a chance love who you love live the way you want to live its your life. then she waked away and left me there thinking and in that moment I realized that I was in love with my best friend."


"Yea and I could not think of how to tell you so I just did that."


"Is that all your going to say?"

"Sorry I was just speak less that all of the girls accept it and helped you realize that you loved me and on top of that I'm surprised that the girls knew this whole time you liked me but did not tell me."

"Yea I just don't see how they knew even before I did."

"I think it's just bed friend instinct."


And with that we entered the pizza place. I ordered two slices for the both of us and after a few minutes they brought it to us. we decided that we would eat it on the way back to the house. We just walked down the road talking about random things and eating our pizza when she told me " Hey babe you have something right there." she was pointing to the side of my mouth. "Will you get it for me?" I asked her. "Of course." And with that she kissed me licking my lips to get all the pizza Sauce off.

We shared little pecks all the way home. When we enter the house we kissed and walked to the entertainment room were the girls were.

"So how was your night?" Ally asked.

I told her "The best of my whole life because I got to share it with the most beautiful woman in the world."

Camila blushed and I kissed her. se kissed back and it go heated fast soon her tongue was talking over my mouth. Then one of the girls coughed and we stopped.

"You guys should get a room." Dinah told us.

"Oh we have two back there it's just I don't want Camila to go anywhere near my bed till I get a new mattress so remind me to go mattress shopping tomorrow."

"Okay but why can't I go any were near your bed babe?"

"Because to many people have already been on it and I don't want you any were near that so just sleep in your room tonight babe."

"Okay as long as you sleep with me."She told me.

"Fine you lucky I love you."

"Yay guys Lolo loves me!" She scream while the other laughed at her.

She crawled up into my side fake crying.

"Lolo there laughing at me." She said in the sad it cutest little kid voice ever.

"Hey guys leave her alone she mind stop messing with her it's not nice." I yelled at them they just awed. Then we all broke out laughing.


Next update- Monday or Sunday sorry I have a busy weekend.

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