Date part 1

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Camila's point of view

I just got done getting ready Lauren said she will be here at 7:00 its 6:59 and she is always right on time so she will be here in 3 2 1

Knock Knock

She's always right on time. "hey baby." I say as I open the door.

"Why hello m love you look perfect but you did not have to dress up that much just for me baby."

"I know but still."

"Look baby your insecure but I have No clue what for your perfect jut the way you are."

"Alright baby now your just quoting songs."

"They are still 100% true."

"Alright so where we going?"

"That is a surprise."

"But I hate surprises lolo."

"I sure do hope you love this one."

"Depends where we going."

"You will see."

"Uhhh fine."

15 minutes later

"Here we are."lolo said.

"You keep the fact that we are going to the beach a secrete I come here all the time."

"Actually it's what we are Doing here I what I did not want you to find out."

"Oh I see you did not want me to have time to guess what we would do at the beach cause its the surprise."

"Exactly. Okay so put this blind fold on and I will guide you to the spot we are going to."

I did as she said and when we finally made it to a stop she pulled the blindfold off we were at my favorite spot o the beach a part that the only person I have ever saw I this part besides me was Lolo when I showed her and I turn around and there Is a special picnic set up with roses all around it and let's jut say It was perfect.

"This is one of the things I have been planing I found my way back here to think on what to do for you since we have not been on a date in forever and I figured this out but more surprises to come."

"How many more?"

"That is for me to know and you to find out."

"Ahh at least tell me something."

"Okay okay I will tell you something by first you have to catch me." After that she took off running not through the sand but strait for the water I started running after her then she took off her shirt and throw it down while she ran I did the same then she started to take off her pants and barley got out of them before she reached the water it looked like she fell but she was in the water it was hard to tell I took off my pants and dove In the water after her once I finally caught up with her I asked her.

"So tell me something."

"Okay fine I love you."

"Really I cased you this far just for you to tell me something I already knew."

"You said tell you something."

"Not what I meant but whatever."

"So you don't love me back."

"I do I really love you Lolo I'm in love with you you will never know how much I'm in love with with you nor will you ever know how much I love Lolo so don't ever say I don't love you cause I do I really really do."

After that she leaned over and kissed me after our little ten minute Make out section we got out of the water and grabbed a towel that was already laid out for us.

"You just planed this whole didn't you."

"What did you think I have been doing this past mouth babe I wanted to make it perfect."

"Well you did and technically it just started."



Sorry I went a little missing in action for a little while but I have been busy and all that so sorry but from now on I will try and let you know by posting it on my profile or something before I do that agin so sorry I will try and update the other stories this week I hope the long chapter made up for it ps would have been longer but no time to write now A days sorry.

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