The begining

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Lauren's point of view

I'm at boot camp for the X factor I just heard the Simon tell everyone to meet on the stage so we can now if I made it or not I really hope I did this is my dream.

I hear them call out a few names of who all were going home then I heard him say mine I did not know what to think it was in my opinion heart breaking. I went back stage to call my parents and get all of my stuff together to go back to Miami when I was just about to call my mom a really tall man walked in and said that Simon wanted to talk to me and 4 other girls. I followed him out the room and I saw 4 other girls out there one was short with dirty blonde hair another was as y'all as me with brown hair then there was one I had already talked to a few times her name was Normani she was a cool girl I did not know much about her but she seamed cool then there was this shy girl that seemed like she was in her own world. we all followed the man back to the stage then he told us that Simon was waiting for us at the Jude's table and that when we were ready to go out there on stage. once we all were ready we went out there.

"Hello lady's how are you all doing?" Simon asked.

"Ok I guess." was all our answers.

"Okay we'll what if I was to say that you five had another chance in this competition?" He asked

"What how?" I asked.

He replied with a simple "if you all want you can all be a group."

"Yea!!!!!!!." And screams of excitement was all I heard for the next 2 Mins.

Then Simon stopped it with him saying "I will take that as a yes if so come up with a name and start practicing for the next show."

Then we all went back to the mansion for the people in the competition and all went to my room so we could get to know each other.

I was the first to start I told them my little secret that I had while I was on the show "okay I will start with the fact that I'm bisexual."

They all looked a little shocked at first then Ally spoke up and told me "I'm Christian and don't believe in that but understand you can't help who you love so I'm fine with it."

Agreed was all I heard after that from everyone but Normani that's when I asked "Are you fine with it Normani?" yea I'm totally fine with it because I'm bisexual to." was all se told me back after that we sat into room for a few hours getting to know each other. now it feels like I have known all of them there while lives.

The next day

Today we get to pick a song to preform at the Judges house and a band name. so after a long time of thinking about it we can up with LYLAS witch stands for love you like a sister.

Then we picked a song and me and Normani decided to go shopping. Once we got to the store she told me "look I think that we should just be best friends that tell each other everything and don't go after each other or the others love."

I informed her "100% agreed." I would love that.


I think that turned out good and I have a really good idea on what I want to do with this story.

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