The plane ride

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Samantha's point of view

"I have a question mommy." I said to Ally.

"Okay what is it?" She asked.

"Do you think Camila will be pregnant from Austin?"

"To tell you the truth I don't know but how do you know how all that works."

"Mom remember I told you my past"

"Oh yeah I forgot your father did that to you and that's why you where in the adoption center I'm so sorry it's just you don't seem like that broken girl you use to be I'm so sorry." She told me as she almost cried and stated hugging me.

"Look mom its fine what passed is past lets focus on now the future has yet to come."

"Alright Baby girl."

Camila's point of view

"Hey babe do you think i coul get pregnant form Austin?"

"Well considering what a pussy he is I don't think so."

"Babe I'm being for real."

"It's possible but I just don't know babe but I promise you I you are I don't care if it is his it's yours and I will love it just as much as I love you"

"But babe I don't even know If I want to keep it we are to young for a babe but at the same time there is no way I could ever bring myself to get an abortion."

"Look Camila whatever you decide to do I will support you in if you keep it i will help raise it if not ten I will help you trough the abortion or the adoption."



Dinah's point of view

"DJ do you think Camila could get pregnant from Austin Mahorny?"

Well it is possible I mean now we now he actually has a Dick so it is possible. Even if she is do you think she would keep it?"

"Know that I have no clue of it is her baby but then agin it is Austin's to and ever time she would look at the kid it would remind her of that night plus she would have to get paper work filled out to make sure he never got to see the kid and get a restraining order on Austin for the kid to."

"True but if you where Camila and you found out you where pregnant after that what would you do?"

"I don't know I would just have I act in the moment I really have no clue what I would do. What about you?"

"I would have to say the same thing I really have no clue what I would do either."


So sorry about how long it took but I have been very busy stressed ad jut overwhelmed for a while especially over the finals but I pretty sure I did great on them and I will post more over the break if I can find time just in case I don't have a very great christmas.

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