I love you

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Lauren's point of view

We all walked to the police office and we all told them that we all wanted a restraining order on Austin Mahone

They'd sled us "why?"

I said "look none of us want to press charges but he raped Camila."

Okay we'll then we will have the restraining orders in just a few minutes.

20 minutes later

"Here to go hope you all have a very nice day by the way we will call him and tell him about the restraining orders later." The police man said.

"Thank you."
( I know not really how it works but this is a book just pretend that how I works.)

"Okay now we need to go I his record company and inform them." Ally said.

As we walked in we were asked why we came here I answered "To let you know what Austin Mahone did to poor incident Camila."

"What did he do"

"He raped her."

"Are you sure yes she is not pressing charges but we did get a restraining order here is your copy an here Is Austin's since we can't go near him you need I get that to him and we can't continue this tour." I said.

"Okay yes I understand you all can leave the tour if to would like we will make sure the fans know that Austin was very rude an cruel to you all and you did not want to continue so you didn't no mater how much it hurts his career agin I am so sorry Camila."

"It's okay." She said as we walked off.

As we walked in Simons office he said "girls I heard wha happened and you did the right thing not pressing charges and getting the restating order and I'm so glad Austin management didn't make you all stay on tour now you all need to tweet that Austin did something very cruel rude and evil and that you all could not stay on your with him so you decide to leave him tour and you are so sorry but he did something so unforgivable that you can't even stand to be around him any more." Simon said.

"Thank you Simon." We all said as we wrapped up are tweets and walled out of his office.

I walked back in "How do we get our stuff off the tour bus if its parked right beside Austin's?"

"I will call the bus driver and tell him to go to the airport and you will meet him there get your stuff and while I was waiting on you guys to come by my office I got you these plane tickets." He said handing me the tickets.

"Thanks agin." I said hugging him.

"Your welcome."

So early update might have another up today or end of the week.

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