Speaking of which...

6.9K 178 58

Sender: Kaeya
Time/Date: 20XX-11-30 00:05

Why, if it hadn't been for a certain someone's throwaway remark, I might have forgotten that today was my birthday. Which is just as well -- I haven't had a cause for any private celebrations for a long time.

Hmm, how do you think I should approach a day such as this? Haha, relax. I'm just fishing for your opinion. I am, unfortunately, not well-versed in matters of this sort.

How mysterious... When you're around, the truth just slips out of me at times. I must have had a glass too many, I fear. Still, I suppose a little honesty with oneself couldn't hurt.

Want to have a few more drinks with me? I'll have the bartender bring you something non-alcoholic. Good drinks loosen lips, as they say.

Don't worry, I have plenty of stories... and plenty of time.

- - -

Hola! I'm back from the dead with a Kaeluc fanfic ehe

I've been playing Genshin a LITTLE bit too much lately... sighs exasperately*

But there's nothing we can do about it is there

Anyway, if any of you want to chat or play in Genshin and you're in the Europe server, message me! (Or comment. I read comments because there aren't even a lot of them I mean (update) it's just 1k comments I'll be through in no time what could possibly go wrong and I have too much free time

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