8. 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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Please please read to the end QwQ I have a sorta ✨surprise✨ for you guys to celebrate 15k UwU (no high expectations kay? KAY)

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Every time.

Every time it was the same.

Everytime he closed his eyes and fell asleep, he relieved the same memories.

"You are to be our spy in Mondstadt," his father put a hand on his shoulder, squeezed the tiny boy, "you are Khaenri'ah's last hope. Do not fail me, boy."

Kaeya lowered his head, blinking back tears. He was young at the time— barely six— yet he knew what his father meant. He was leaving Khaenri'ah, leaving his home and his frail, listless mother, and he would never return again.

"This," Kaeya looked up to his father's eyes, such a deathly pale shade of blue, and shivered in fear as his father pointed a finger at Kaeya's right eye. "We will see through your eye, and... we will..." there was a hint of a smile on his face when he completed the sentence, "ensure your safety."

What a bunch of lies.

His eye was but a device for spying. Did they really expect him to believe that the eye was for "seeing and ensuring his safety while he was in Mondstadt"? Kaeya laughed to himself—

What a bunch of lies.

Kaeya didn't say anything, merely looked up into his father's pale eyes, a fierce glint in it, his anger triggered by the lie. For once he didn't flinch under his father's gaze.

An eyepatch.

The first thing he would do when he got into the city, was to get an eyepatch, and cover that stupid eye forever.

That was his last thought— and then he was falling. Falling through empty, void space, darkness all around him as the scene vanished...

"Kae, Kae!" There was Diluc's voice, shouting at him and beckoning at him to come over.

Kaeya looked over to his sworn brother and saw the small flower in his hands, eyes widening with curiosity.

Diluc was kneeling by the bank of the lake, his trousers already wet from walking around in the shallow water. Adeline would surely scold them for getting their clothes wet again, but the two children were far too playful to listen.

"It's a calla lilly!" Diluc said as Kaeya shuffled closer in his kneeling position to see the flower closer.

"It's really pretty, Luc..." Kaeya murmured with a slight tilt of his head. Tentatively, he reached out to touch the fragile petals.

Diluc laughed, the most beautiful sound Kaeya had ever heard, and reached a finger out to boop his nose. "Boop," Diluc giggled, eyes bright and glittering.

This was the first time since his father left him that Kaeya dared to dream.

He was all alone now, but perhaps...

"Luc," Kaeya whispered the nickname, tasting each syllable, and Diluc looked down at him with a smile.

"Kae? What is it?"

"Mn... nothing."

A smile bloomed on Kaeya's face. A bright, beaming smile.

Yes... his future...

Was bright.

There was no warning as scene vanished at once again, and Kaeya was falling backwards—

He hit the floor, but it wasn't grass and flowers. It was hard and when Kaeya looked up—


Far Apart || Kaeluc/ Genshin Impact fanficWhere stories live. Discover now