18. 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Not-as-long-as-usual-update, but here's some more angst, and a sliver of hope for both you guys and Kaeya~

I wonder how they'll get out of this mess... *grin

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Obviously, the best course of action wasn't going to his supposedly "Knightly Duties", but instead head for Dainsleif's home.

Honestly, if Kaeya were to turn into a Hilichurl soon, he'd rather not spend the rest of his days working. "Maybe I'll just go to Angels Share and drink until I drop dead." He muttered, totally optimistically.

Anyhow, he had answers to get, more questions to ask, and secrets to uncover.

He rapped on the door. He heard footsteps slowly making its way towards him, then the door slowly opened. Dainsleif looked down at him, "to what do I owe the pleasure?" Dainsleif smiled, though it was so fake he might as well not make the effort. Kaeya, on the other hand, didn't even bother with his usual facade.

Kaeya stepped into his home.

"Do you have no manners, sir Knight?" Dainsleif closed the door behind them, and held a hand up to Kaeya when he started to talk. "Let me guess, you figured out the secret behind the song."

"..." Kaeya wanted to glare at him, "yes."

"Well then, it's true," Dainsleif said, though Kaeya hadn't even asked his question, "you're turning into a Hilichurl soon. Possibly within the month."

"Is your eye faring well, I wonder?" Dainsleif added before Kaeya could talk.

Tsk. Kaeya let out a noise of disdain. "You're doing an awful lot of talking today, Dainsleif. And I feel like I know why you're in Mondstadt now."

"Enlighten me."

"You're here... to kill me," Kaeya looked up, his lilac eyes glowing in the darkness of Dainsleif's apartment. "Because a monster of a spy is of no use to the country," he smiled and tilted his head. Maybe he spit out the word monster too harshly, maybe he felt bitter saying it out loud.

"Well, not that I was any use in the first place, considering I carved out the only source of information you had." Kaeya's smile was wicked as he pointed to his eyepatch. "I'm surprised the King didn't order me killed immediately for treason." I'm surprised I'm still alive.

Dainsleif seemed to hesitate before saying, "you were living a life in Mondstadt that no child could experience in Khaenri'ah. You were happy with that Diluc. It..." Dainsleif couldn't bring himself to say it. It was the most I could do for betraying you.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have spared me. Maybe you should've killed me then. You tried to give me happiness, but how long will it last?" Maybe Kaeya was raising his voice. Maybe he was yelling. He didn't know. Just when they were finally getting better... Goddamnit, they'd even kissed twice! And then Dainsleif had to appear. Of course. He thought. "Don't give people hope and rip it away. It's..." It's too cruel, Dainsleif.

Dainsleif looked down, like he didn't know what to say.

"Well? You've been at Mond for a while, haven't you? When will you dispose of your country's traitor? You'd better do it before I turn into a monster." Kaeya spat out the last word.

Well, Kaeya was right. Dainsleif had been postponing his mission. He couldn't disobey his King's orders. He'd always been so loyal, beying every command from his King. His only use was in his strength, experience and power as a fighter. If he couldn't fulfill this mission, he'd be a traitor. What use was a weapon without a King to serve, a country to protect?

He could do this. He could do this. He'd killed thousands under the name of his country. So why was it so hard when it was Kaeya? Maybe because it'd been a peculiar mission when he'd turned into a child and befriended Kaeya. It was different because he was killing someone he knew, not another faceless person. Stupid, stupid, his emotions were interfering and taking over.


He had to do it. He could do it. Dainsleif' grit his teeth, "Shall we meet at the tip of Dragonspine the day after tomorrow? Let us... finish all this mess."

This was stupid, he was stupid. He'd chosen Dragonspine for a reason. This isn't treason, he told himself. I can choose where to kill him. And, maybe, if he manages to get away in this terrain where his element reigns... If he runs and vanishes and I can't find him...

This... this isn't treason, Dainsleif told himself.

But sometime during his stay in Mondstadt, at some moment he hadn't realized, maybe he'd already known he'd go home with the word "traitor" in his name.

And Dainsleif was surprised to realize that he wouldn't regret it, even if this was the last thing he'd do, for the first friend he'd ever truly made.

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OH MY GOD GUYS IK ITS WIERD BUT I REALLY, REALLY LIKE THE LAST SENTENCE. I can't get enough of sentences like this. It grips my heart in this beautiful way. I love it, gods, I love it.

Also, it's really crazy but I feel like this fic is finally coming to an end. Which is crazy, yknow! I started this a year ago, in Feb. It was just a sudden thought, and a temporary enjoyment that I was gonna ditch soon. But then I saw people LIKED it and I started writing more chapters and wow. I can't believe that it's ending. Like— ok I'll keep this speech for the last chapter HAHAH

Well, that was a lot of serious talk from me. Don't worry, we still have maybe 3 chapters to go! And maybe more if I get ideas- I'm just- wow.

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