17. 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Me: ooo is been a few months, guess I'll start writing—

I'm sorry I really am, but here I'm back

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Kaeya was a smart person.

He liked knowing things, keeping track of things. He had his own network. Any piece of knowledge doesn't slip from his grasp. He knows where you live and the names of your family, he knows what you were whispering in the dead of the night to your lover.

So when he decided interrogating the members of the Abyss was a good idea...

He decided to look for the Abyss Mage that Dainsleif had spared that day.

And my, was the mage absolutely useless.

"I don't know! I don't know! I DON'T KNOW!" The usually high and unnerving voice of the Abyss Mage was twisted and confused. There was no arrogance or... diplomacy found in a usual Mage wasn't there. The Mage had made a 180 degree turn right after the name Khaenri'ah was muttered.

"Tell me what you know about Khaenri'ah," Kaeya had whispered, sword pointed at the Mage's neck. Or more like the ball of fur surrounding its neck.

"Khaenri'ah? What is that? Some fantasial, fancy name you came up with?" The Abyss Mage retorted, despite shivering with fear on the floor.

"Spill, you wretched monster. You must know." Kaeya pressed the sword closer. Close enough to draw blood. Huh, did Abyss Mages even have blood?

"I have no idea what you're talking about! Haven't you humans tortured us enough?!?!"

"Hah! That's funny," Kaeya leaned closer, "Khaenri'ah. Khaenri'ah. Khaenri'ah. Are you sure you've never heard of it?"

"NO! I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T KNOW! END MY LIFE OR RELEASE ME! I DESPISE THIS!" It was screaming and yelling, clutching its head. Too panicked. This wasn't normal. This wasn't the usual Abyss Mages Kaeya met and fought. If he pushed harder...

"Why did he spare you that day? Tell me."


Kaeya was bruised and battered from the fight before, and he hadn't tracked this mage and cleared out its camp for nothing. He wasn't taking no for an answer.

So he pushed, repeating the name of his cursed country, again and again. Holding the tip of his sword against its neck. I will break you, drive you insane, giving you the expectancy of death, but never killing you. Come on, come on. Give me what I want, and I will release you.

"Go crazy. Go crazy, and expose your deepest thoughts. Come on, come on..."

Please. Please. I'm clinging to the hope that you'll give me what I need. I don't know where to look. You're my only hope. Please. Won't you tell me what I need?

Kaeya felt like he was bordering on crazy. He'd never dared to say the name of his cursed kingdom out loud.

"I..." The mage looked pained, "I remember, I remember..." It clawed at its head, clawed at its mask. "The kingdom where no light reached. The kingdom... My kingdom. My home."

It rambled on, "yes, yes. Khaenri'ah. Our superior... he... he was our knight. He spared us. The noble knight of our King..."

"We were once part of the civilization... part of the broken people, the broken land, the broken kingdom of Khaenri'ah..."

Kaeya arched an eyebrow, "You were... part of the people?" You were human? He dared not voice.

"Yes, yes..." It raised its head, and though its mask covered its face and Kaeya could not see, he felt like it was smiling, "we were human once... haha... the curse... It was all Celestia's fault."

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