15. 𝕱𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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dear all,

If you're one of those who've waited for more than two months just for this pesky 1k-word update—

IM SORRY. Genuinely, I apologise. Though you must've gotten used to my infrequent uploads if you've been a reader from the star— AHEM

anyhow, I'm really, really sorry for postponing this and procrastinating, but now that exams over I PROMISE I'll write more. (I hope I can :")

Please enjoy~ (I hope)

Sincerely, Scarlet

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Look, guys, hear me out

It's hard to write a kiss scene when you haven't kissed before


Single and lonely romantic who copes by writing fan-fiction

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This wasn't like how it had been with those people Kaeya had once slept with. This was nothing like that. Those kisses were devoid of feelings, no warmth or love.

But Diluc's hands grasped at Kaeya's clothes, pushing at him yet holding on tightly like he couldn't decide whether to get away or stay in the kiss.

It was slow but warm and both of them were tentative, testing out this new feeling...

Kaeya decided he loved it. He loved Diluc's warmth and Ho he smelled of grapes and small lamp grass. He loved Diluc's lips against his. He loved this intimacy between them.

Perhaps, though he had been unwilling to admit so, this was what he had yearned for in so long:


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Diluc was breathless by the time Kaeya pulled back— both of them were panting, Kaeya's warm breath puffing out onto Diluc's face.

"Diluc," Kaeya muttered, "I have a question."

"What." Diluc frowned.

"Did I just steal your first ki—"

"Shut up," Diluc fixed him with a fierce glare, but it was kinda ruined by how red his face was. Because yes he had and—


There it was! That smirk on Kaeya's face, back again and teasing him.

This insufferable human being!

Diluc gave him a look of annoyance, "I think I'll have to retract my words from—"

"Aw cmon, Diluc. Such a spoilsport," Kaeya feigned disappointment.

Already the heavy atmosphere was gone and they were back to their usual banter. But this time, Diluc felt a change between them.

Maybe it was the words he'd finally dared to speed. Maybe it was the kiss.

But there was less of that heaviness that had drifted between them, and Diluc was...

Well, although the night had turned out different from planned, Diluc decided that he liked this ending.

"It's getting late." Diluc glanced out the window. Actually, it was much more than very late. Already the sun was peaking out of the horizon.

"It's getting early. The suns up," Kaeya corrected, stepping right in the way of the door. Leave it to him to point out the obvious. "I didn't realise you were one of those teenagers staying up late to talk to their crushes— "

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