7. 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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Also two stupid ✨votes✨ for this book:

1. Ending fluff or angst
2. Lumine or Aether as traveller >:0

Please comment THANKUUU

Votes have been tallied, any future votes won't be considered, sorry~

Aether 19, Lumine 3 (ow)
FLOOF 21, Angst 9 :000

I'll............ make you suffer and then add the floof, I promise. Also... Aether it is!

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(You guys mad at me for not having Luc in the last chapter HEE HEE so let's start with him this time HEE HEE)

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Speaking of which, Diluc still owed Kaeya a birthday present.

The air in the tavern was warm and toasty, and Diluc's thoughts drowned out the sound of people chatting in the tavern.

"Another... hic*... cup of... hic* winee~" the man in front of the counter slurred, disrupting his thoughts. He raised a hand and beckoned at Diluc. Diluc poured a cup of red wine and frowned at the man in disdain. His thoughts wandered back to Kaeya as he set down the glass a tad more harshly than he should've. "Here's your drink, sir."

Diluc growled. He'd never thought getting someone a birthday gift would be so hard.

His frustration was only added to by the fact that it was near 10 at night, and Kaeya still hadn't appeared. To be truthful, Diluc had been expecting Kaeya to come to the tavern for the whole day already. And of course he wouldn't admit to himself that he missed Kaeya. Or maybe he did. A bit. Or more than a bit. But Kaeya would never know that.

There was the sound of keys jingling, and the door behind him— specifically for staff— opened, Charles stepping in.

"Master Diluc, perhaps you would like to rest for the day? I can take up the rest of your shift instead..." Kaeya likely wouldn't be coming today, he didn't need to add. Diluc frowned and set down the glass he was cleaning with a thud. "... there is no need, you can go home for the day."

Diluc turned as a man walked in, chattering loudly with his companion. They wore Knights of Favonius armour, Diluc noted. He was about to ask if the two wanted drinks, when he overheard their conversation.

"... couldn't find sir Kaeya all day, wonder where he went?" Their voice became louder as they walked nearer to the counter.

"I heard from Joseph that he's sick. Quite rare, isn't it? I haven't ever heard him being so sick he had to take a leave." The other man answered with a slight frown. He leaned on the counter, still talking, "well, no matter, I hope he gets better soon." He turned to Diluc, "Master Diluc! A glass of apple cider for me, please."

Diluc obliged, taking a glass from the shelves behind him, "I heard..." he asked tentatively while making the drink, "is sir Kaeya of the Knights sick?"

The man nodded, "heard he's been resting in bed all day."

Diluc hummed, setting down the glass of apple cider, "thankyou." He turned to Charles, a slightly pained look on him, "ahem, if you don't mind..." He averted his gaze.

Charles laughed, "I'll take over your shift for you, enjoy the rest of your day, Master Diluc."

- - - - -

"Ahem... a bouquet of calla lilies, please."

Flora giggled at the man before her, looking up at the taller figure and asking all too innocently, "Master Diluc! May I ask, who are the flowers for?"

Diluc cleared his throat again and shuffled on his feet, "a... friend."

"Oh? Who is it?" Flora worked on wrapping the beautiful flowers in a neat bundle. She smirked, as if she already knew the answer. "Should I add some... small lamp grass, perhaps? To add to the glow."

"I apologise for my rudeness, but no thank you, and are you done?" Diluc dropped the bad of mora on Flora's table, and took the bouquet she handed him.

"Sir Kaeya would love these flowers," Flora whispered to him with a grin.

"..." Diluc huffed.

Flora didn't miss the way his cheeks dusted a faint pink in the mention of Kaeya.

- - - - -

Kaeya didn't live in his own apartment— he had a dorm in the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, and as the Cavalry Captain, his dorm was... rather large, Diluc thought as he pushed open the wooden doors and surveyed the room.

He'd never went into Kaeya's dorm, obviously— and Diluc found the room surprisingly clean and tidy, decorated with hues of royal blue and gold. There were chests in a corner, filled with trinkets and coins, much like a pirate, but Diluc couldn't help but wonder where all this wealth came from— Kaeya used a lot of his salary for wine, didn't he? He noted the wooden cupboards where glasses of wine were neatly arranged, the burning fireplace made the room warm and toasty.

His gaze turned to the only bed in the room, a queen-sized one, and on it lay Kaeya, curled up under thick blankets. He still wore the black eyepatch.

Diluc made his way quietly to Kaeya's bedside, setting down the bouquet of flowers on a table, along with a small slip of paper.

He turned to the bed. "Kaeya," he whispered. The blue-haired man did not reply, but as Diluc neared him, he saw that Kaeya's brows were furrowed, and there was sweat on his forehead. Diluc frowned in worry.

Then he let out a soft, weak whimper.

"N-no... Please..." Kaeya whispered. "Please... please..."

Never had Diluc seen him so... weak, so... bare. Kaeya had never once shown a single hint of weakness in front of anyone. Even when they were young, when Kaeya got sick, or had any worries, he'd never admitted it to Diluc. Kaeya always put others before himself, always cared and cared about others but never bothered to care about himself. Kaeya never seeked help from anyone, never realized when he needed help, never realized that so many people cared for him.

"Please..." Kaeya whispered again, tightening his grip on the thick blue sheets. Diluc opened his mouth and closed it, not knowing what to say, what to do to help the man who was now writhing in his sheets.

"Kaeya, Kaeya," Diluc stepped forward, arms outstretched. What am I going to do, though? He thought. Our relationship isn't close enough for me to...

Embrace him. A tiny voice whispered in his head.

But... Diluc thought.

"D-Don't... leave me...." Kaeya whispered. And that sentence had Diluc's eyes widening, freezing as the words washed over him. Leave him...?

"Fine," Diluc said to himself. Just this once, because he's sick, yeah. Great job, Diluc, what a piss poor excuse.

Gingerly, he stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Kaeya. The Cavalry captain was cold, so cold, his fingers freezing. Diluc let his warmth seep into the other, and for a while Kaeya calmed, snuggling into Diluc's embrace, stopping his thrashing. "Kaeya..." he whispered, "it's fine... It's a nightmare."

"Diluc... Don't leave me alone again... please..."

Diluc frowned at the words, but made to push away. I have to go. I can't get caught dead... hugging... Kaeya.

Kaeya clutched Diluc's jacket, eyes still clenched shut, "Don't..."

"I'm sorry, Kaeya," Diluc whispered, "I have to go."

It took Diluc all his self-restraint to not turn back, casting a last, pained look at Kaeya before he closed the door behind him.

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Me, halfway thru writing: wait a second this is a kaeluc fic I should start thinking of when they kiss- Meanwhile have Luc hugging Kae OwO next chapter we're gonna start with my favourite: ANGST

Hope you enjoyed, haf a nice day~

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