1. 𝕺𝖓𝖊

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Diluc was hopelessly stuck, which wasn't something that usually happened to him. He wasn't physically stuck, but well... The main problem? It was Kaeya's birthday tomorrow, and with his personality, Diluc would bet good mora that Kaeya was likely to forget about it.

Diluc wanted to celebrate his birthday, but he was entirely too prideful to go right to Kaeya and celebrate. Their relationship hadn't been the most pleasant these years, after all. No doubt Kaeya would tease him about it if Diluc brought up the subject.

"For gods sake—" For now, it was either accept the humiliation, or wait for someone like Jean or Lisa or any of Kaeya's friends in the Knights of Favonius to bring it up. But Jean was entirely too busy for something like a birthday celebration, and Lisa... well, Diluc didn't think someone like her would throw a birthday celebration purposely for anyone. It just simply didn't feel like the sort of thing the lazy librarian would do. As for Amber... that was his biggest hope, for now.

Diluc stood in his office, leaning against his wooden desk, and threw a dart at the target on the wall. It hit the target perfectly.

Diluc let out a low growl in frustration as his mind wandered back to Kaeya, "for gods sake—"

A light knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Diluc sighed, no doubt it would be Adeline again, asking if he needed food. Or snacks. Or a drink. She was entirely too fussy, but she was still a diligent maid perfectly capable in performing her duties, so Diluc didn't feel like appointing a new head maid. "Adeline?" He didn't turn to look as the wooden door opened.

"Wrong, it's Jean." The blonde-haired Acting Grand Master poked her head in, "been a long time, hasn't it, Sir Diluc."

Diluc didn't reply. He set down his darts and walked to sit behind his desk.

"Well, I've been wondering... Kaeya's birthday is tomorrow, and he does like drinking in the taverns, doesn't he? I've been thinking to throw a celebration in the Angel's Share." Jean stepped in, her footsteps silent on the carpeted floor.

"Kaeya's birthday, you said?" Diluc raised an eyebrow and feigned an uninterested and slightly bored look, even as he felt his lips pull up to a small smile.

"He's my cavalry captain, after all. And a very diligent and successful one at that." Jean plopped down on the sofa in his office, "so? What do you say? Care to let us have the tavern for the night?"

Diluc forced the smile on his face to go away, "I suppose I'll give a shout to Charles to clear the tavern for the night." Well, that was certainly convenient, he thought.

Jean smiled, "well, thankyou, Master Diluc." She took a cookie from the plate on the coffee table, "you should come too, you two are brothers, aren't you?"

"Sworn brothers," Diluc corrected, "though I'd say we have no relationship with each other now."

Jean laughed. A rare, small, light-hearted laugh that sounded entirely too alike to those of the Mondstadt idol, Barbara. "I do recall a time when you were in the Knights, too. You were my senior at that time. I used to hear the other knights, talking about Diluc and Kaeya, the youngest-ever cavalry captain and his brother..."

Jean took a small bite of the cookie and smiled, "pity, though, that you aren't a Knight anymore."

At the mention of his past with Kaeya, Diluc's eyes darkened, "don't you have work to do, Jean?" He walked over to the doors and pulled them open, jerking his head to the hall outside. "You've gotten what you needed, you may leave now."

Jean stood, eating the rest of the cookie, "gloomy, aren't you? Well, I'll be off then, sir."

"I wish you a pleasant day." Diluc forced himself to incline his head in a small bow as Jean walked out of the room.  Sir... that was what Jean used to call him when he was her superior. Back when he was still in the knights. But he wasn't now.

"Thanks, I will," Jean laughed. Diluc growled at that too cheery laughter. Jean was purposely annoying him, and he knew better than to fall into the Acting Grad Master's trap, but he couldn't help but feel, somehow, angry.

Anything that reminded him of his past... it didn't make him angry, or anything. What he felt was best described as a mixture of sadness, and anger, and confusion, and frustration. And those emotions... they were on a tight leash these days.

- - -

Okay the Jean I wrote ooc and may or may not be only a TEENSY TINY BIT too cheery, but uh— UHHHH—

Meh :D

Your amazing author,

*cheff kiss

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