13. 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Yes. I will admit that I am absolutely ENCHANTED by castles. I love going to Disneyland so, so much. I love fantasy and fairytales and stories and romance and roses and the like.

The point is how much I love castles, ok. Especially the ones at Disneyland- they look enchanting. Simply fabulous. Nobody can change my mind.

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Tick. Tock.

"I will give you what you ask— a gown, a carriage, glass slippers fit for a Queen."

Tick. Tock.

"But beware, my dear, dear Cinderella— when the clock strikes midnight, my magic will fade away."

Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock...

... ...

The bell chimed 12.

Every single room in the castle is lit. From far away the elegant castle on the hill seems to be shimmering in the night. The sharp turrets are a shade of royal blue, with what looks like golden silk lace from far away winding around it as if by magic itself. The walls are a light pink and greyish blue, and everything is topped by gold— the tops of the high, stone walls, every column and the grand, arched entrance. The tallest turret reaches high into the sky, glimmering a dazzling gold, the flag of the royal family fluttering in the wind.

The whole castle is breath-taking in it's beauty, especially at night when the golds seem to glimmer and shine even brighter. The promise of magic and mysteries and enchantment float in the air, catching the attention of anyone who sees it.

But as every girl is twirling in their beautiful, fancy dresses, laughing and dancing as golden dust seem to shower down from the ceiling and bathe the place in gold, she is running down the grand, glass stairs, her dazzling blue gown held high.

The prince chases after her, but she must leave. She must not let him know—


The next day, the prince, with the glass slipper that had fallen off her feet, went through the town and searched every house for the girl who had enchanted him with her beauty.

And when he found that the girl he was looking for was but a maid, he wrinkled his nose and spat in her face. He looked down at her dirty rags and worn-through shoes, he looked down upon her, and turned in disgust, head held high as he turned his back to Cinderella, who wept and wept until she had no tears left.

- - - - -

"What do you mean, you thought miracles occur?"


A tale Kaeya is familiar with.

It was a story his father had told him— "People will never accept us for who we truly are. So you, my son, you must lie and deceive to win their trust," he had said quietly.

"You must never tell them the truth, because nobody will accept you for it."

Kaeya's father had looked him in the eye, "Nobody, do you hear me, son?"


Childhood does make a huge impact on children, because sometimes Kaeya can still hear that one word, echoing in his mind in his father's voice, haunting his dreams.

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