0.1. 𝕷𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓 𝕽𝖎𝖙𝖊

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A lantern rite special because it's Lantern rite and the Far Apart plot is confusing me so I cant be bothered to sort it out so here's this as compensation also happy 50k reads, 2k kudos, 2k comments to me now on with the story:

Remember: read to the very end or you'll miss it~

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"Lantern rite?"

"Haven't you heard of it, Kaeya?" Diluc turned to him, "it's a festival from Liyue celebrating the new year!"

Master Crepus chuckled and smiled warmly, "Indeed. Liyue is quite good at hosting festivals— such fabulous sights to see there every year. Thousands of lanterns rising to the sky... it is quite the sight."

"Are you gonna bring us there this year, father?" Diluc, eyes wide and curious.

Master Crepus hummed, "the Qixing has invited me for a dinner to celebrate the festival. Yes, we will be attending."

Kaeya has his mouth open in a fascinated "o".

"That includes you, too, Kaeya! You're coming with us!" Diluc laughed brightly.

- - - - -

Master Crepus handed the Xiao lantern to Diluc and Kaeya, "you write down your wish on this paper, and slip it in the lantern..."

"And the Adepti of Liyue will grant your wish!" Diluc finished his sentence.

"Really?" Kaeya tilted his head, eyes wide.

Surrounding them are the people of Liyue, everyone squeezing together and bumping into each other as they fight for a good view by the water. It is noisy, and loud, the air is filled with such joy and laughter.

"Well..." he capped his pen, and attached the little slip.

Their faces are lit with such delight and excitement as they let go of their lanterns.

Maybe one day Kaeya will learn to laugh freely like they do. But now... He releases his lantern into the night sky.

Thousands of lanterns rise to the sky, the dark sky dotted with small glowing lights.

Diluc laughs as he releases his lantern. It is bright, innocent, pure. It is all the joy that Kaeya doesn't have.

I wish that this moment, with Diluc and Master Crepus... This moment  filled with happiness and joy... to become eternity.

The glittering lanterns in the sky reflects to the dark blue sea beneath. They float gently, carrying all the wishes of the people... There are tiny dots of yellow and gold on the sea surface.

How beautiful this is, Kaeya thinks.

How beautiful.

- - - - -


"I suppose the Gods have never favored me, have they?"

The grown man stood amongst the people, once again in the same place as years ago. But today, both of those people that were once with him were not here.



A thin, golden thread of light rises to the sky and explodes into a thousand glittering stars. He watches as the fireworks bloom into blossoms of red and yellow and blue light amongst the stars of Celestia. The black powder of a firework, destined to shine its brightest colours to the night.

Yet the fireworks are like a short-lived flower. It rises— blooms— and so, so, soon, it fades and falls back to the earth.

He watches, as those glittering lights fade and fall until they cannot be seen in the night. They have done their job, they have bloomed in their glory, and now they retreat into darkness, forgotten and useless.

The man turns and walks away from the bustling crowd.

This year, he does not release a lantern.

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I'm one day late, but I also did this in one day... phew!

By the way, some of these descriptions may seem familiar, because I... referenced... them... after... the Ganyu chapter of my Tales of Wind. It's not copying if its my own work... right?

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"Happy Lantern Rite."

He lets out a small hum as response.


It is peaceful here.

Peaceful and quiet, even though they are surrounded by people. They are finally free of their burdens.

He wrap his arm a little tighter around the other's waist, pulls him a little closer like he's afraid to let go, tilts his head and whispers in his ear, smiling softly.

"I love you."

Far Apart || Kaeluc/ Genshin Impact fanficWhere stories live. Discover now