𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕭𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌

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"I don't know how it is you are so familiar to me— or why it feels less like I am getting bro know you and more as though I am remembering who you are.

How every smile, every whisper brings me closer to the impossible conclusion that I have known you before, I have loved you before— in another time, a different place— some other existence."

—Lang Leav

- - - - -

One starry night I fell asleep, dreaming about a nation named Teyvat and a region named Mondstadt. I dreamt about heartbreak and broken promises and loyalty and family. I dreamt about the nation of Khaenri'ah and star-shaped irises.

And I dreamt about a boy with flaming red hair and shining eyes, and as I dreamt I remembered— for those short hours, amongst the peach-coloured smudges of people in the dream— the boy who had reached out a hand to help me up, the boy who had held out that calla lily to me by the lake. I remembered the taste of his lips. I remembered his smile and his laugh and his warm, passionate flames.

I woke up in midnight and found tears running down my cheeks, but I'd already forgotten that dream.

I turned to the window and looked out at the night sky, running a hand through my long blue hair.

And I gazed at the stars and wished.

"Ad Astra Abyssosque"
[to the Stars and the Abyss]

- - - - -

The chimes ringed, a clear refreshing, beautiful sound, as I pushed open the doors to the cafe.

"Mmm..." I take my coffee from the counter and sat down on one of the plush sofas by the window, leaning back on a pillow and huffing over my drink to cool it.

How wonderful, this quiet and comfortable atmosphere. The only sounds were the soft tap tap of keyboards, the occasional flip of a page, the clinking of the tableware, and the light music playing.

"Aha!" There's a loud, teasing laughter that rings from the entrance. I look up with disdain at the stranger who has disturbed my peace.

Two of them, actually. One is admittedly handsome, with blue hair and bright lilac eyes wearing a shirt that is borderline scandalously unbuttoned at the top. The other with shoulder length gold hair and blue eyes desperately shushing his companion. I'm struck with a sense of deja vu when I see the pair, and also a feeling of overwhelming sadness, but I can't seem to pinpoint why and where it came from, so I shrug it off and continue on with my day.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?"

I look up, and it's the nuisance in blue, grinning and holding a cup of coffee. Yes, I want to say, but my politeness forces a shake of my head instead. He sits down with his companion.

"You're quite pretty," he says after a while, as if the silence between us needed any disturbing, "What's your name?"

"Are you trying to hit me up?" I sigh, giving up on focusing on my computer.

The teasing smile he returns feel familiar, but yet again I am sure I have never met this man in my life. "Yeah," he shrugs, "you..."

"You seem familiar--" he continues but I cut him off. "But you can't pinpoint why?"

He looks slightly surprised, and his mouth stretches into a grin again. "Exactly, cupcake."

I glance at his companion, but he looks on like he's used to this. "That's a poor substitute of a name," I deadpan.

"What can I do? You haven't told me yours." He returns slyly, like he knows he's won in this conversation.

I know that too, because now I give him my name, interested in this mysterious man, "I'm Diluc."

"Di-luc. Luc," he says it with a smile like he's feeling my name, playing around with this new information. "I'm Kaeya, and this is Dainsleif."

"It's a pleasure to know you, Luc~" The teasing tone, it's so insufferable, but I find myself smiling at it.

Oh dear, I think, what have I gotten myself into?

- - - - -

It's a new world with new possibilities. The liar can live with both eyes. The champion can live without the burden of a city. The knight can live a short life that isn't dedicated to eternal service.

They don't have to worry about the fate of the world or war or death that may come at any second. They can worry about getting a job or a partner or what to have for dinner.

They are liars, champions, knights no more.

And I don't really think it's a bad thing, eh?

- - - - -

And that marks the end of Far Apart, it's been such a journey! Thank you all of you who were with me from the beginning, and those that joined after, I love your comments, your support, and the thought that one would read this fic I whipped up is well, fascinating and shocking and

Thank you so so much...

And I'll see you in the next fic, maybe~


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