Chapter 11

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I woke up and Max wasn't next to me.

I forced myself out of bed and to my closet.

I threw on baggy sweatpants, a bat man t-shirt and my black uggs.

I walked out of my room and downstairs.

Max was down there, he looked like he just saw a ghost.

"What's wrong?" I asked picking his phone up and sitting next to him.

He just looked down shaking his head.

"Max?" I asked faintly.

"That was Jennifer on the phone... She said she was pregnant." He said and I saw tears falling from his eyes.

"I'm not ready to be a fucking dad!" He said getting loud in the end.

"I can't." He said looking at me.

I pulled him into a hug and held him tightly.

"Its going to be alright. Do you know if he or she is yours? You never know, it can be someone else's." I said trying to lighten him up.

"When's the last time you guys hooked up?" I asked still hugging him.

"Like a month ago.. 2 weeks ago I don't remember." He answered.

"Then it's not houndred percent your. See if it was yours, she would have called right away... It's probably not yours." I smiled and he pulled away.

"Your right." He smiled.


"He's yours... I was just too scared to tell you a month ago. Here I even have paper showing he's ours." Jennifer said handing Max the papers.

"I have to go." Max said walking upstairs.

"Jennifer... I think it's best if you leave. Not trying to sound rude or like a bitch or anything." I explained and she left.

"Max?" I said knocking on his door.

He didn't answer, so I walked in.

He was laying on his bed, whipping his tears.

I laid next to his and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I came believe I'm a dad. I'm not ready..." He said.

"It's going to be fine." I said.

"No its not. If I'm going to be a dad, the thing we have has to be over. We're over. We shouldn't have even got together when I was with jenny. Because I wouldn't have developed feelings." He said pulling away and turning not to face me.

"Now just get out my room." He said harshly.



"Wait, Cameryn I didn't m-"

"No! Just save it okay. Your a dad now, you don't have time for me, you need to take care of Jennifer and your son. It's fine." I said and then closed my door.

I started crying so hard.

The only guy I ever truly loved, is now going to be a father and we can't be together anymore. He doesn't even like me anymore.

I just needed a break.

I changed into some white shorts, a fairly tight black t-shirt, and black vans.

I tied my hair into a neat ponytail.

"Where are you going?" Max asked.

"None of your business." I said and walked out the door.

Once I arrived at the beach, I took off my shoes and ran to the water.

I let the cool water brush up to my ankles.

It felt so relaxing.

It took my mind of Max, but know I'm thinking about him....


I crossed my arms and let out a long sigh.

"What's up buttercup?" I heard a familiar voice say, then arms wrapped around me.

I turned around to be face to face with Josh.

"First off, don't call me that", I laughed, "And secondly... Max.. never mind, you probably don't care. So you can just carry on with your life." I said, but he stayed.

"No, tell me." He said grabbing my arm and guiding me to a bench.

We sat down and I laid my head on his shoulder and brought my feet up.

He wrapped his arms around me.

"Well, you know how Max and, ugh, Jennifer went out and how he's my stepbrother."

"Yes." He said playing with my hair.

"Well, me and Max had a thing when they broke up. I know it was wrong... But I loved him a lot. But today... Jenny called Max saying that he got her pregnant. And then he told how he doesn't want us to be together and how he needs to get ready to be a father and how we should have even been together and all that crap." I explained.

"I'm so sorry that the person you really loved, you can no longer be with." He said bringing my head up.

We looked into eachothers eyes and  we slowly started to lean in.

Our lips touched.

"I'm so sorry." He chuckled pulling back.

"No... It's fine" I smiled.

"Well... I've been seeing you around, when I go over your house to hang out with Max... But I was wonder... Would you like to go out sometime?" He asked.





"I would love to." I smiled.

"Then it's a date." He smiled proudly.

"Tomorrow? At 7:00? At Beach Ashore?" He asked.

"Okay... I probably should be getting home." I smiled getting up and putting on my shoes.

"Wait. I need your number." He laughed.

We quickly exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.

I wonder how Max will feel about this.

Whatever he has more important things to do.
Thnx y'all so so so so much for the 2.84k views!

I love y'all! Thanx for that

And I might not update next week because of vacation, so I'll try to update all week and the weekend.


(P.s. sorry for the typos! Lol)

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