Chapter 15

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*Cameryns pov.*

I felt strong arms wrapped around my waist.

I turned on my side to face him.

I was surprise who it was because I forgot everything that happened last night.

"Eric... Eric..." I said shaking him.

His eyes shot opened and he smiled as soon as he saw me.

Damn, his smile was cute.

"Wait what time is it?" He asked.

"Um... 7:45..." I answered.

"Imma be late for working." He got out of bed grabbing his shirt.

"See you later, princess." He said flashing me a quick smile.

When he called me princess... He was started to make me feel... Strange.

A good strange... I think I kinda like him...

Omfg! I think I like both my step brothers!

This can't be happening... I mean I'm in love with Max.

I'm in love with Max. I'm in love with Max...

Just as I was saying that over and over again, the doorbell rang.

Once I opened the door in ran... Max.

He slammed his lips into mine.

Slow, and passionately.

"Mhm..." We turned around and there was a shock Eric.

"Oh... Eric. Th-this is max." I said looking down.

"Oh.. Hello max." Eric smiled.

"Hi, Eric." Max beamed.

"Well, I must be going now. Bye."

"I'm so happy your here!" I laughed as we hugged.

"I'm glad to be here!" He chuckled.


"your parents are at work. Right?" He smirked.

"Yeah. They won't be back till, 7 and Eric won't be back till 8." I answered.

And with that he slammed his lips into mine.

He pulled back and began kissing and sucking my neck harshly.

"Max." I let out a faint moan and I felt him smirk against my neck.

"Shall we watch a movie?" Max smiled and he pulled away from my neck.

"You're a bit of a tease, Maxwell." I smiled as I pecked his lips.

"Ugh... I hate my full name." He groaned as we cuddled onto the bed, watching the movie.


"I'm leaving in 3 days..." Max said breaking the silence, I frowned disappointed.

I don't want him to leave.

"But, I love you... So so so so much. I never want you leave my side." I said as my voice cracked.

"I love you too... But Daniel and Christina, won't even think about it. I'm so sorry babe." He spoke softly.


A week has past, Max is no longer around and I feel so depressed.

"Cameryn, sweetie, can you come downstairs?" Jess, my mom, called from downstairs.

"I'm coming."

Once I got down there, mom and dad had huge grins on their faces.

"What is it?" Eric asked egerly.

"Mom... Dad?!" I questioned pulling my eyebrows together.

"Well, we're going on a cruise!" She smiled.

I've always wanted to go on a cruise.

It's been one of the things on my To Do list.

"Yay! Finally! How long will it be?" I yelled in excitement.

"For a week and three days."

"When?!" Eric asked.

"Um... In 4 days." My dad grinned.

"So go pack."

I ran up the stairs and into my room.

I packed 10 shorts along with t-shirts to go with them, 4 skater dress, 2 fancy dresses, 2 sundresses, 4 bathing suits, 10 pairs of different types of shoes, an extra phone charger, and sunglasses along with sunblock.

Once I was done, I found myself on my phone.

I was looking through snapchat when I came across, Josh...

Posted 4 hours ago,

I clicked on his name and he's snapchat made my blood boil...

I was gonna kill myself.

It was Max having sex with... Jennifer.

I heard him moan, "I love you more than Cameryn!"

I was crying so hard... I wanted to die... I hate him...

"Cameryn, what's wrong?" Eric said opening the door.

But I could speak, I was crying too hard.

"Princess, you can tell me." He said comforting me.

"M-max ch-cheat on me!" I cried showing him the short video.

I can see anger growing in his eyes.

"I'm so so so sorry." He said hugging me tightly.

I later on, found myself calling him.


Max~ "Baby, I was drunk... I'm sorry..."

Me~ "Too little too fucking late bitch! I hate you... I hate you... I hate you! I HATE YOU!!!!"

Max~ " Ca-"


I hung up the phone feeling like weight being lifted off my shoulders.

I hate him so much now.

"I heard everything..." Eric said coming into my room with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Well, it needed to be said."

He hugged me tightly and we looked down at me.

Soon, his lips were on mine. His soft lips moved perfectly with mine.

He lick my bottom lip asking for entrance, I gladly excepted and he shoved his tongue in my mouth.

Our tongues fought but his, of course, won. His tongue explored every part of my mouth.

He pulled back as my eyes were still closed.

I opened my eyes and Eric was looking down smiling at me.

"I- I should go back to my room." He said letting me out of his grip.

I closed my door and pushed my back against it smiling. I smiled shaking my head and lied down on my bed, trying the progress what just happened.

*Eric's pov.*

Once I walked out her room, I leaned up against her door smiling to myself.

This girl was making me feel all type of ways.

She's perfect.

I think I'm in love with my step sister...

My Stepbrother {completed}Where stories live. Discover now