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(The house above)

After what happened,

I've just kinda stopped talking to her.

It feels awkward to be near her whenever Jennifer is over.

I feel like I really like her like a lot, but I just don't wanna show it.


It was about 6:00pm and I haven't done nothing all day,

Mainly because I'm home alone.

I heard the door knock and I ran down the stairs.

When I opened the door,

In walked Jake, Dylan, and Dani.

"HEY!!!" Dani yelled hugging me.

Dani was the loudest.

"Hi!" Dylan and Jake said joining the hug.

"How'd you guys know where I lived?" I asked and they smiled at each other.

"Well, your mom told us." Dani laughed.

I gave guided them to the rooms they will be staying in and then I gave them a short tour of the house.

We then went into the screening room and watched scary movies.

Dylan kept moving his hand closer to mine.

I think he still likes me.

We dated once, but then broke up because we liked it better being just friend, but I kinda Still wish we were dating

As we were watching Grave Encounters a scary part happened and I burried my head into Dylan's neck.

All he did was chuckle and he held my face up.

He started to lean more in and we started kissing.

Thank god Dani and Jake were sitting in front of us.

I haven't kissed him in 3 years.

We pulled back with smiles on our faces.

"Your lips." He said softly.

"What about them?" I asked.

"They taste like strawberries." He chuckled.

"Wells, i am drinking strawberry soda." I said and he leaned back in for another kiss.

He stopped just before our lips touched.

"Will you go out with me." He whispered.

A timy part of me was saying YES...

But a huge part of me was saying NO!!!!

"Yes." I said and he kissed my again.


We pulled back and I rested my head on his shoulder.

What am I doing!

I can't be in love with two guys...



I wonder who she'll choose...

So hope y'all enjoyed


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