Chapter 21 (UNEDITED)

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I was now home, Eric and I are in a fight.

He's angry because I'm back with Max.

"He's just gonna break your heart again!" He yelled.

"Like you did!" I yelled back tears threatening to release.

"...what." Eric said getting quiet.

"You broke my heart when I found out you had a perfect girlfriend. Eric, I thought I loved you... I know it sounds crazy, but I thought you actually l-loved me. But a guy that looks like that, won't like a punk, grunge girl." I laugh toward the end.

I walked up to my room and slammed the door loudly.


"So how was school?" My mom asked.

"It was great. Made more friends." I smiled, taking a mouthful of vegetables.

"That's great, and you Eric?" My dad said.

"Uhhhm, oh yeah, we have a game in 2 weeks." Eric said eating the chicken.

"I was thinking about joining the cheer team." I said and Eric almost choked on his chicken, I glared at him giving him the death stare.

"I would never see you doing stuff like that..." My dad laughed.

"I was joking, I'm waiting for track to start. Jerk." I laughed.

"Well there's a track meeting tomorrow." Eric said but I didn't respond.


"Sup Cam!" Shawn said as I walked into tech.

"Hola amigo." I smiled.

"Aye, catching up on your  Spanish I see." He said.

"Oh are you trying out for track?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was born to run!" He said as class begun.

After I was done taking notes, Mr. Harrison began to talk.

"Okay, so we are going to be starting a new project. Bridges. The structure must hold up, above 70+ pressure, if not, it goes into the-" he said.

"Failures bin!" The whole class said back.

"Exactly, now let me a sign the partners. Jack and Emily, Shawn and Cameron, Lesly and Dylan,-"

I walked over to the back to get my goggles, only to trip.

"Oops I'm sorry." The familiar voice laughed.


I forgot she was in this class.

"Are you okay?" Shawn said helping me up.

"Yeah, it's just this bitch, being a bitch." I said holding my now bleeding nose.

"Let me take you to the nurse." Shawn said taking our books and walking out the class.

"Why'd you take the books?" I asked still holding my nose.

"We're not going to the nurse, were skipping. Let's go to the pizza shop." He smiled.

"Sure." I said grabbing a tissue from my pocket.

Once we arrived at the pizza shop, we sat in 2 seats and just talked about life.

It was great, he was like a best friend I've never had.

I walked home after the track meeting, to see a note on the table.

Gone for the weekend xoxo mom & dad

I threw the note into the garbage and walked upstairs.

As I was walking down the hallway, I heard loud moaning coming from Eric's room.

Him and Emily having sex was the worst thing ever, he's like max when I first met him.

He plays with your heart only to have a girlfriend.

I ran into my room and closed the door  and fell onto my bed.

I grabbed my laptop and went onto Netflix to watch American Horror Story and to drown out the moaning coming from Eric's room.

I turned the volume really high and focus on the tv show.

This is gonna be a long fucking weekend.

Idk... But I had to update, so I hope y'all like this... It's a little ehhh.

Should I end the story soon? Or continue?

Comment below if I should continue or stop.


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