Chapter 5

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(The boy with the shirt off is Jake and Dylan is the one with the shirt on)

It was about 2am and I heard the front door open then shout.

Then I heard a bunch of people yelling laughing blasting music.

It had to be Max and his friends.

I got up from my bed and went downstairs.

"Really Nigga?" I said.

"What?" He said sounding snobby.

"Well, I'm just trying to sleep and my friends are here, too... So...." I said softly.

"Oh... My bad. Well, just go to the screening room." Max said winking at me.

He was so cute...

But I need to stop having feelings for him if I'm going to date Dylan than I have to STAHP liking Max.

"Thanks!" I said as he walked off with his friends.

I let out a deep sights and walked back up the huge flight of stairs.

When I got back upstairs,

I found a sleeping Dylan laying in my bed.

I laughed to myself and laid down next to him.

I turned on my side and he wrapped his arm around my waist.


When I woke up it was 9:00am.

I usually don't walk up this early and neither does my friends,

But every time I'd try to go back to sleep it wouldn't work.

I got and walked downstairs to get breakfast.

When I got downstairs their was a bunch of Max's friends sitting on the couch.

I quickly got my stuff and went back upstairs.

"Hey!" One of them say, stopping me in my tracks.

"What?" I asked not turning around.

"Come over here?!" He said and I walked back down the stairs.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"So, your Max's sister?" He asked smirking.

"Step sister, and yes. Why?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, if you weren't his sister I would ha-" I cut him off.

"Look. I don't need to hear it. I already have a boyfriend." I said as Max came into the living room.

A feeling of regret came over me.

I can see in his face he was angry.

I hurried back up the stairs and Max followed.

"Why?" He asked and I looked down at my bowl.

"Because it was wrong what we were doing... We're now brother and sister and one day someone's gonna find out if we keep doing what we're doing." I stated and he nodded.

"Well, I still love you and I will have you." He said before walking down the stairs.

I walked into my room and ate my cereal.

And thought for so long about what just happened between max and I.


Hope y'all liked this chapter!

Idk why it took so long...

I'm probably cuz I'm really lazy.. so...

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