Chapter 12

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I was now pacing back and forth running around my room looking for something to wear on this so called date...

I wish Dani was here.

My phone began to ring, and it was Dani wanting to facechat.

Thank god.

"Hey! You never called me in like 3 weeks! Boo you whore!"  She said.

"Now isn't the time! I have to look for something to wear for a date!"

"Who! Max! Dylan!" She exclaimed.

"No bitch! It's with this cute guy named Josh..." I smiled thinking of the moment at the beach.

"OooO! Tell me!"

"In a minute just help me!" I yelled.

"Okay, where will it be at?"

"Uh, this restaurant call Beach Ashore... I've never been to it and I don't wanna dress too fancy or some thing." I laughed lightly.


"So we agreed on the black dress with the tan pumps." I nodded.

"Yup." She smiled.

"Have a great date and don't have too much fun." She laughed.

"Okay mom... Bye love you!"

"Love you too bye!"


I slipped into the dress and put on the shoes.

I curled my long light brown hair and did light make up; eyeliner, mascara, and some chapstick.

I'm outside ;) ~Josh

I'll be right there ~me

I grabbed my purse and put my phone and my emergency make up inside.

I woke outside and got into the car.

"Wow... You look... Wow." He smiled.

"As well to you." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

I can see his cheeks turning red.


Once we arrived at the place, I saw people I didn't expect to be here.

I saw Max, Jennifer, and Dylan with I'm guessing his new girlfriend.

They were sitting in a booth together.

Max turned around and his eyes widened but I pretended to not notice him.

They sat us on the other side of the restaurant, but max was still in eyes view.

We sat down and I felt like I was going to cry.

I don't know why though, it's probably because Max is out with Jennifer and my ex with his new girlfriend.

I feel like now Josh is like my only companion...

My parents are barely ever home, max hates me, my friends are thousands of miles away.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked looking into my eyes.

"I'm... I'm fine." I sighed.


"Hello! I am Kacy, ill be your server for today. May I start you two off with some drinks?" She smiled happily.

"I'll have coke, no ice." Josh said handing her the drinks menu.

"And I'll have sweet tea with ice." I smiled and handed her the menu.

"I'll be right back." I said and walked to the bathroom.

Which Jennifer happened to be in there.

"Oh look who it is... The bitch who tried to steal my Max..." Jennifer smirked but I ignored her.

"Hey bitch!" She yelled and pushed me, as she did that an elder woman walked in.

"Hey! You don't need to be doing that! Now she didn't do anything to you... You need to knock it off." The woman yelled.

"Oh shut your old mouth!" Jennifer yelled walking out the bathroom, so did the elder woman.

I finished what I need to do and walked out.

Once I walked, I saw Max and Jennifer arguing.

I sat down and drank some of my drink.

"What went on in there?" Josh asked.

"Well, I was walking in when Jennifer was saying how I tried to steal Max and then she started getting all shovey... And then some woman came in, defended me, and I guess told max." I sighed and drunk more of my drink.

"Wow... What a bitch. But I was wondering, after this do you wanna come to my house?" He asked and I nodded with a smile.


"Here you go." Josh said handing me a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts.

"Wear can I get dress."

"In front of me." He smirked but I playful hit his arm.

"Okay fine." He said opening his bathroom.

I changed, cleaned my face, the tied my hair in a messy bun.

"You look good in my clothes." Josh smirked laying on his bed.

I was gonna lay down but then he stopped me.

He sat up and pulled me into his lap,

"Youre so beautiful." Josh smiled and kissed me.

It started getting heated and the he fell back, which made me on top of him.

I pulled back and laid next to him.

"Awe..." He frowned pouting.

"Maybe tomorrrow... Maybe the next day... Or maybe the next next day." I laughed as we cuddled.

"Fine." He said and I dug my face into his neck.

"Goodnight, love you." He said.

"Night. Love you, too." I said and fell asleep.



Hope y'all like this chapter.

And I have to ask y'all a favor.

Can y'all fan me on Younow.

It's jasm1n3m


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