Chapter 16

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A few days later something came in the mail for me.

It was wrap with brown paper, it was from max.

Once I unwrapped the paper my blood boiled, it was all the pictures we've ever tooken together.

We looked so, happy. And perfect.

Me~ MAX! You little shitty ass dick head! Why the fuck would you send me this!"

Max~ "To show you that I don't love you anymore! I have jenny! I sent the pictures, to show you what you'll be missing out on! Fuck you!"

Me~ "You little gay faggot bitch ass nigga! I don't know what the fuck your talking about! I'm way over you!"

Max~ "Keep telling y-"

I quickly hung up my phone and cried into my pillow.

I screamed, cried, smoked, and almost destroyed every bottle in my room...

"CAMERYN! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I can hear Eric yelling.

I opened the door, and he gasped as he saw me.

I wouldn't blame him... I was a wreck.

*Eric's Pov.*

I heard loud smashing sounds, bangs, and sobs.

I ran to cameryns room and knocked furiously on her door.

"CAMERYN! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I yelled and the door swung opened.

Not a lot of stuff was broken, only bottles being smashed on the balcany she had.

As I looked at her face she looked horrible...

She had cuts up and down her arms, and her eyes were puffy and red, as well as her face. Like she'd been crying forever.

Her room reeked of cigarettes.

"Cam..." I grabbed her face in my hands.

"I-I... I-I..." She kept studdering.

"What? Spit it out." I said hugging her.

"I'm through with everything! I'm through with everyone saying that don't love me anymore! I'm such a wreck..." She sniffled.

Her breathe smelled of a bit of alcohol, but she was still a bit sober, but she did stumble a bit.

"Well, I'm going to take a shower." She said stumbling around.

"I'll help, but I wouldn't get into the shower don't worry." I chuckled as she giggled.

She got undressed and hoped into the shower.

"You can open your eyes now." She yelled over the water.

I just sat in there just incase if she fell or anything happened.


We lied on her bed, she was sleeping I my arms peacefully.

I may like her and all, but I wouldn't try to do anything funny with her.

I got up not trying to wake her, I cleaned off her balcony and closed the doors to it, and sprayed her room with her perfume so it didn't smell so much like cigarettes.

I walked out of her room and shut the door quietly.


*Cameryns pov.*

It was the day we wear leaving and I was honestly the happiest person in the world.

"Yay!" I screamed as I woke up early because of the plane ride.

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