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My crush on Max hasn't stop.

I don't know why,

But to me he's just so freaking perfect.

But the sad thing is,

He has a girlfriend named Jennifer.

I hate her guts.

They're always having sex when My mom and Daniel aren't home.

Whenever Daniel and my mom are gone,

They have make out sessions on the couch.

I secretly think she knows I like him and she's just rubbing it in my face that she can have him and I can't.

Today My mom and Daniel are going on their honeymoon which mean every single night Max and ugh Jennifer will have sex.

"Bye sweetheart!" My mom said kissing my forehead.

"Bye." I smiled.

"Goodbye Max" my mom waved as she walked out the door.

As soon as that door closed they were making out.

"Ugh!" I said stomping up the stairs.

I went into my room and stood in there for the whole day.

When I woke up it was 8:00pm.

I didn't even know I fell asleep.

I didn't eat all day so I went downstairs and as soon as I opened my door I heard, "AUGHHH! MAX!"

It was so fucking disgusting.

I tip toed downstairs and went to the kitchen.

I grabbed some left over pizza and walked up the stairs and into my room.

Once I was done eating,

I laid back down and fell back to sleep.

"Cameryn... cameryn..." I heard a voice say.

I opened my eyes and there stood a shirtless Max.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he smiled.

"I love you." He said leaning in more.

He started kissing me and then he laid next to me.

He pinned me on my bed and got on top of me.

He began sucking and biting my neck.

Moans started slipping out my mouth.

He pulled back and started undressing me.

Once I was undressed he took off his shorts and spread opened my legs.

"Are you ready?" He asked and I hesitantly nodded.

But then I woke up.

I believe I had a dream about having sex with Max.

It was awkward.

Images from the dream kept replaying in my head.

A strange feeling started happening.

I found my hand moving more closer to my pants.

My hands slipped into my underwear and I started rubbing myself and imagined it was Max doing it to me.

It wasn't like I've never done this before.

This was like my 8th time doing this.

I guess I was moaning a little too loud this time because Max was standing right in my doorway.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Uh, nothing." I said in a 'duhhh' tone.

"You were doing something." He said walking more into my room.

"No I wasn't" I said sitting up.

"Then why we're you moaning my name." Max said hovering over me.

"No I wasn't." I said.

Our faces were just inches away.

"Yes you were." He said.

"Arent you supposed to be having sex with Jennifer?" I asked changing the subject.

"She left, now if you want to moan, I'll give you something to moan about." He said and my heart dropped.

He leaned down and started kissing me.

He got on top of me and traced his hand all the was to my pants.

He slipped his hand into my pants and started pumping his fingers in and out of me.

I started to moan his name loudly.

He pulled his hand out my pants and got up.

He moved to the end of my bed and pulled my pants off.

He pulled off my underwear and threw it across the room.

He began to lick me and it felt really good.

I tugged at and ran my fingers through his soft hair.

I started to feel like I was going to release myself, but he kept tell me to just relax.

But I just couldn't.

My legs started to shake and that's when it happened.

He began to just lick it up.

"You taste sweet." He says handing me back my underwear.

I slipped them on and fell backwards onto my bed.

I couldn't believe what just happened.

He then laid neck to me and kissed my forehead.

And with that I slowly drifted back to sleep.


Srry if I emotionally disturbed you

Idk about the chapter...

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