Chapter 22 (Unedited)

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I was sitting in my room, on my phone at 1am when I get a call from Jocelyn.


Me: "You're lying!"

Jocelyn: "NO! He attempted suicide... He left a note and everything... But he's still alive. But you have to come!"

Me: "I'll try tomorrow..."

Jocelyn: "okay, but check now."

The line went dead and I immediately got my laptop and went to get plane tickets.

Luckily there was a plane that was leaving at 7am to California.

I got the ticket and started packing. Once I was done it was about 3am.


"Bye!" I waved to my dad and boarded the plane.

Once I arrived in California, Jocelyn and Ian were there to pick me up.

"Hey!" They said hugging me holding me tightly.

"Hi. Let's hurry and go to see Max." I said sadly and we got into the car.

"Max..." I cried holding onto his bruised hands.

He was in a coma, he looked so... bad.

There was no words to describe how poor and damaged he looks.

His eye was swollen, he had a bruised lip, he had a gash on his forehead.

He looked so horrible.

"How'd he get like this..." I asked.

"He was purposely in a car accident..."
I turned around and there stood Daniel and Christina.

"Max... I love you. So so so much. I don't want to lose you, I love you so fucking much. I don't know what I'd do without you, and this little baby growing inside me... Can't grow up with out a father. I love you Max, I don't care if we're step brother and sister. I love you, I will always love you." I said in tears.

"Youre pregnant?" Christina said.

"Yes, I'm pregnant. With the person I love the most." I smiled looking down at max.

"Youre only sevente-" I cut her off.

"I don't care, I love him." I said as I looked at them sideways.

Ending story soon
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