Chapter 20 (unedited)

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(Rated R,X!)

*Cameryn pov.*

Eric and I were heading to New York to meet up with Kyle (Tropic), Jayden, David, and Eddie.

"Are you mad at me because I didn't tell you I had a girlfriend?" Eric asked as we reached the hotel.

"No. I'm fine. I mean we weren't even together." I said getting out of the taxi.

I was in and saw someone who I didn't expect to see.


I dropped my bags and ran up to him.

"Max!" I smiled and hugged him tightly. I missed hugging him.

"Cam!" He said and kissed me. Long and passionate.

I pulled back because we were in public and I can see Eric getting jealous. What'S up with him, he has a freaking girlfriend.

"Why are you here?" He asked curiously.

"Going to a p.t.v concert with a couple of friends." He said as I saw Jocelyn and Ian come around the corner.

"Jocelyn! Ian!" I ran over to them, hugging them tightly.

"Cameryn!" They said in sync.


We were now at the p.t.v concert.

I sang along as they sung 'Caraphernelia' one of my favourite songs.

As I was sing, Max pulled me into him and said what looked like, I love you, and then kissed me.

It felt perfect.

I can't explain how much I love this idiot.

I love him so much.

He pulled and back and hugged me tight.


We were now back in the hotel, drunk, well except for max.

Jocelyn and Ian were making out. Not even pulling back for air.

Eric left because he's a party pooper and Max and I were just cuddling.

"Wanna go back to my room?" Max asked.

"Sure." I giggled stumbling around.

When we got to his room, I quickly closed the door and started kissing him.

He fell back wards onto the bed.

"Lets just go to sleep." Max said pulling away.

I giggled and ran my hands up and down his chest.

I slowly started pulling down his pants and he let out a deep groan as I touched his member.

Without thinking I took him into my mouth and he let out a gasp.

"Oh fuck Cameryn!" He groaned and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm gon-" he released into my mouth and I swollowed.

"Shit." He said pulling off my shirt along with my bra.

He began sucking on my collar bone, making me moan uncontrollably.

He pulled me onto the bed and got on top of me.

He started kissing and sucking my neck.

"Max..." I moaned lightly, I can feel him smirking against my neck.

He pulled my pants along with my underwear down, kissing my stomach as he did.

"I'm gonna make you feel good again." Max said and slammed into me.

He quickened the pace, making my back arch, my nails dug into his back.

"Oh fuck! Max!" I moaned loudly.

I soon released as well as max.

He collapse next to me and kissed me.

"Goodnight princess." He whispered.

I smiled and fell asleep.

I'm finally back with Max.

Why did I write this!



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