chapter 14

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Once I got home I was exhausted.

I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a can of soda and walked up the stairs.

As I laid down on my comfortable bed, my phone began to vibrate. It was Josh.

Hey, I was wondering of you would like to go to a party with me tonight?~Josh

Me~ um... Sure. What time?

At around 11?~Josh

Me~ but on a school night? :/

Okay, how bout we go to the park then? At around 4? Sound good?~Josh

Me~ okay. Seeya :)


Once we arrived at the park, we got ice cream, then sat on the bench.


"And thats when the pizza just roared out of me, and all on my crush at the time." Josh was laughing so hard by the end of the story.

"Oh my god! That's so embarrassing!" He laughed.

"Well, at least I didn't pee myself while watching Monster House." I laughed.

"Whatever, I have to go to the bathroom."

"Okay, go along peepee-boy." I giggled as he rolled his eyes with a smile.

I went on my phone and started playing Fun Run.

After about 15 minutes, I went to go look for Josh.

Once I saw what he was doing with... Jennifer, I wanted to rip my eyes out.

"Cameryn? Please... I'm sorry..." He said but I ignored him and ran home.

I ran inside and broke down.

"Cameryn, w-what's wrong?" Max asked sweetly.

"J-Josh cheated on me with fucking Jennifer." I cried into Max neck.

"Wow... Well can I tell you something?" He spoke softly, I nodded.

"There's no baby... She lied... She faked the papers." He said.

"Really?" I mumbled into his neck.

"Yeah.. you know I'm sorry for saying those things. I love you, so so so much. I love you more than I will ever love Jennifer. You're beautiful, and kind, and all those nice things. I love Cameryn." He spoke and I looked him in the eyes.

"I love you too, Max." I smiled and our lips touched.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I heard my mom yelled as we pulled back.

"Mom, I can explain." I said out of fear.

"No! Save it! DANIEL!!!" She yelled angrily.

"Theyre gonna keep us from being together." Max whispered, cried into my ear.

"Guess what I caught them doing!" My mom said angrily to Daniel as tears ran down my face.

Without giving Daniel a chance she said, "They were making out!"

"You know what? You're moving with your father!" She yelled.

"Oh! So now you wanna get rid of all you kids?! You acted the same way when Devon said he was gonna marry Carmen, because she was trans!" I yelled at her.

"What ever! I'll go pack my stuff! I'm happy I'm moving with dad! At least he'll pay attention to me." I said and walked upstairs.

"Cameryn, you can't leave! I love you." He cried out.

My Stepbrother {completed}Where stories live. Discover now