Chapter 19 (unedited)

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*Cameryns pov.*

Today is my first day of school, and I'm pretty nervous.

"Just remember, don't be shy. Start a conversation." Eric smiled as he walked over to his group of friends.

"Wait. Eric, i have no idea where to go." I whined as I walked over to him.

"OoooO who's the hottie?" One of his friends with black hair, grey eyes, and a lip piercing smirked putting his arm around me as I stood there awkwardly.

"This is Cameryn. My step sister." Eric said pulling me away from his friend.

"Hey Cameryn, you gotta boyfriend?" His friend asked.

"Actually no, but I'm not looking for on either." I said with a little sass.(the sass is real)

"I'll find my own way to class." I smiled to Eric and walked off.

*Eric pov.*

"Yo, I would totally smash..." Shawn said, I could tell he was staring at her ass as she walked away.

"Hey! That's my sister your talking about..." I hissed at him making him put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay sorry. Just calm yourself." He laugh as we walked to class.

*Cameryns pov.*

I came pretty late to my first class, which was technology.

"You must be Ms. Cameryn?" Mr. Harrison said as I nodded.

"Take a seat next to Shawn." He pointed to the back of the class where Eric's friend Shawn sat.

"So we meet again." He smiled.

"I came here to learn, not flirt." I said focussing on the board and writing down some notes.

I know it's my first day and all but I want to get caught up on work asap.

"Why so harsh." He whispered.

"Sorry. But I really want to get caught up." I said finishing what was on the board.

"Well, how bout I come over today and help you with the notes. And I promise I won't try anything..." He smiled.

"Ummm... Okay fine." I said giving In.


"Okay so, I just have to finish Mass Internt and... I'm.... Done!" I said excitedly.

"Great and tomorrow, if Mr. Harrison says so, I'll help you with the project since I'm done." He said gathering his things.

He kinda reminded me of Jocelyn.

"Okay. Seeya!" I waved as he walked outside.

I closed the door and turned around to gather my stuff off the table.

I grabbed my phone and realized I had like 5 text from Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: Max is literally going crazy without you!

Jocelyn: he misses you!

Jocelyn: he was crying to me about how much he loves you!

Jocelyn: plz take him back... He loves you... A lot!

Me: Jocelyn, I know... I know...

Jocelyn: okay, well just think about it..

Me: okay, I'll ttyl

Jocelyn: okay, bye!

I threw my phone onto my bed and took a shower thinking about Max.

"Ugh... I really like max, b-" I stopped talking to myself once I heard a girls laugh come from Eric's room.

I opened the door, and there was a blonde girl.

She turned around and smiled at me, I quickly flashed her a fake smile.

She had green eyes, a perfect tan, long eyelashes, she was pretty.

"Whos this?" I said through my smile.

"Um, this is Emily... My, uh, girlfriend." Eric coughed.

"Huh? Girlfriend." I said sternly.

I wasn't even gonna cry, we weren't even together.

"Yeah. That's me." She smiled as I walked back to my room.

Wow... He didn't even tell me he had a fucking girlfriend. I can't believe he cheated on her, she's perfect compared to me.

Me: "Max... I-I wanna be with you. I miss you. I love you so much. I'm sorry.

Max: "I've been waiting by my phone just for your call. I love you so much! I'd be so happy for us to get together again. I miss you!"

Me: I can't wait to see your face. I miss you so much. I love you.

Max: "I love you too. But I have to finish my homework."

I missed his chuckle.

I missed him.

Me: "I'll let you go then."

Max: "okay, bye babygirl."

The line went dead and my heart melted when he called me baby girl.

Truth is, I did really miss Max. He was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love him, more than Eric, more than anything. I want him and only him.

I just love him so much...

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