Chapter 18 (unedited)

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*Jocelyns Pov.*

Whenever max comes to school, he always looks like a wreck.

Hairs all messy, bags under his eyes, eyes puffy and blood shot. He just looked terrible.

"Max," I said pulling him down a hallway that nobody really goes down.

"What." He said sharply.

"Why. What's wrong, you look like a wreck..."

"You wouldn't understand." He said backing away.

"No. Just tell me. I will, I wont judge. I promise." I said honestly.

"Okay but you can't tell anyone. Not even Ian and Malerie. It's just been hard since Cameryn moved away. I mean I love her, but one day I was drunk at a party, had sex with Jennifer and she found out. She been hating me ever since. Then I called her when I was drunk and cursed nonstop and sent her pics of us... I'm such a prick. And it's been killing me for everything I've done." He finished.

"Awe. I'm so sorry that happened... You should at least explain what happened. Say exactly what you said to me... To her." I gave him a caring smiling and walked away to my class.

*Cameryns pov*

"How was your day?" Eric asked as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm still waiting for the school mail to come so I can get my classes. But it's been good so far I-" I got cut off by my phone ringing.

"One sec." I said stepping away, smiling at each other.

Me: "hel-"

Max: "Cameryn... I'm so sorry... I love you soooo much! I was just to drunk and stupid to see how I really feel. I'm really sorry for how I treated you. I know you've probably found better, but I just want you to know I love you... I'm sorry for the pictures of us. I'm sorry for calling you drunk. I'm sorry for everything. For every little thing I did. And I'm sorry that I took your virginity... I think you're an absolutely amazing, beautiful, caring girl. I love you Cameryn."

I was speechless. I'm so shocked. I'm so confuse. And how the fuck does he know he took my virginity... Did I tell him?

Me: "Max... I love you too, and I know you're sorry, but I don't know... I think we should just start as friends, then see where it stands."

Max: "If that's what you want to be."

Me: "Okay... So I'll let you go."

Max: "okay bye..."

The line went dead and hung up the phone.

I can't believe what he said. Ugh, I think I'm catching feelings for him. Again!

"Who was that?" Eric asked as I walked back downstairs.

"Jocelyn. She just wanted to see how I was doing." I lied smiling.

"Oh okay."

"Would you like to go get something to eat?" He asked.

"Um, sure. Let's go to Burger King!" I cheer like a five year old.

"Okay." Eric smiled taking my hand.


As we were sitting down and talking, his phone went off.

"Aye it's Tropic!" He laugh.

"Hello... Yeah wassup man... Dude that'd be awesome!... Hold on I'll ask her..."

"Hey, they're all going to new York for this PTV concert, what ever that is, but do you want to go? All the other kids are going too."

"Omg! Ptv! I-I love ptv! Theyre life!!!!!" I said excitedly, getting weird looks from people.

"Yeah she'd love too... Okay...Okay see you then bro... Bye..." He said and hung up the phone.

"Omg! I can't believe I'll get to see fucking Pierce the Veil!" I whisper yelled.

"You really like them? Don't you." He smiled taking a bite of his burger.

"Yeah.. when I was going through rough times that's all I would listen too." I explained and ate some of my chicken sandwich.

He just smiled and held my hand tightly.

He just makes me feel like max never made me felt.

But I still kinda like max...

Ugh! Why. Why. Why did I do this. I'm such a fucking Slut. I'm just going back and forth and they don't even know it...

"Are you fine..." He asked whipping a tear away that I didn't even know was there.

"I'm fine. Can we just go home?" He asked putting a fake smile on.


Okay so what side are y'all on?




I don't even know and I'm the write of this story...

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