Chapter 6

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I woke up and Dylan was still sleeping.

I took his phone off the shelf and started taking random pictures of me and of him sleeping.

I went onto his Twitter and tweeted,


I placed his phone down and poked at his cheek.

"Wake uuupppp." I whined.

"I'm up. I'm up!" He smiled kissing my cheek.

He grabbed his phone and saw that he was getting all these favorites and retweets.

He looked at the tweet and started laughing.

He has the most cutest laugh.

"Seriously?" He asked chuckling.

"Yup." I said and pecked his lips.

I got out of bed and went to my closet.

I picked an all black, distressed Lana Del Rey shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, and timberlands.

I pulled down my pajama pants and took off my shirt.

I felt warm hands around my waist.


He began to move his hands more to my private area.

He slipped his right hand into my panties and started pumping his fingers in and out of me.

I grabbed the back of his neck with my left arm.

"Dylan!" I moaned tugging at his hair.

He quickly pulled his hand out and put them in his mouth.

"I fucking love you." He said and I smiled.

I put on my clothes and walked to the bathroom.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth and cleaned my piercings.

As my piercings was cleaning,

I brushed out my hair and put a black beanie on.

I did simple make up. As in eyeliner, mascara, and some chapstick.

I put my nose and lip piercing back in and walked downstairs.

"Why we're you moaning Dylan's name?" Max asked.

"He was just... touching me." I teased putting my hand in between my thighs.

I moved me hand and giggled to myself as I walked to the living room.

None of my friends were up...

Except for Dylan.

Dylan came and sat next to me.

Max sat on the other couch.

I was gonna put Max through a living hell.

Dylan and I started making out and I sat on his lap.

I can see max getting angry in the corner of my eye.

I got off Dylan's lap and put my hand on his thigh.

"Hes gonna get disgusted. Watch." I whispered in Dylan's ear.

"Just pretend to moan my name." I whispered again.

I put my hand in his pants and moved my hand up and down.

Pretending to give him a handjob.

"CAMERYN!" He groaned throwing his head back.

"GROSS! GET A ROOM!" Max screamed walking out.

I pulled my hand out of Dylan's pants and we laughed.

"Fooled ya!" I yelled as Max walked back in.

"Bruhhh." Max said falling back onto the couch.


"Cameryn, some of my friends came to California for vacation and they want me to meet them at the beach. Wanna come with?" Dylan asked.

"Sure. Let me just get ready." I said running up the stairs.

Once I got into my room I started digging through the closet for a nice bathing suit.

I heard the door close and then lock.

Still looking for I bathing suit, I yelled, "WHOS THEEERRE!"

I felt warm hands around my waist which made me jump a little.

I turned around to see Max, with a huge grin on his face.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"You." He smiled and then attacked my lips.

I couldn't help but kiss back.

I pulled back and shook my head.

"We need to stop this. I have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend. How is this fair to them?" I said.

"I guess you're right. But I love you." He said and I just stood there silent.

"C- can you please get out." I asked shyly and he walked out the door slamming it on his way out.

What am I doing with my life...

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