Chapter 24 (unedited) final.

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3 years later.

Max' pov.

"I do." She beamed as we stood under an arch covered in flowers of all sort.

I can't believe we're getting married, we started off as step brother and step sister... And I don't care if people think it's weird, I love her with all my heart.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest announced.

I gave her a long meaningful kiss.

When we pulled back she had the biggest smile on her face.

cameryns pov.

I'm married... I can not believe I-I'm married.


I unloaded the box full of clothes into our new closet, in our new house.

"MOMMY!" Lily whined.

"What is it sweetie?" I questioned.

"Where's Sammy?" She whined.

"He'll be here with daddy in a few minutes." I said, just as they walked through the door.

"SAMMY!" Lily yelled happily as our dog ran to her and licked her face.

Once we were done with everything, we sat down at the tabled and ate dinner.

Mac and cheese, vegetables, and chicken.

"So, what do you wanna do for your birthday?" I asked Lily for her fifth birthday.

"Umhhh... Chuck E. Cheese!!!" She exclaimed. (Bc swag)

"Okay, who do you wanna invite?" I asked as she smiled.

"Uh. Lea, Mason, Savannah, and Allie and Jayden." She smiled as I shook my head.

"Okay." Max said taking a bite of chicken.


"Who wants to watch a movie!" Max yelled as him and Lily raced to the living room.

They began to play fight and it was the cutest thing I ever saw.

I like when Max and her were bonding.

"MOMMY HELP!" She giggled as Max swung her over his shoulder.

When ever she called me mommy, it was heartwarming... I mean I can't believe I have a child. It's crazy how I have a kid. I love her and I know this family will work out.

I just know it.


This book has now come to an end:'(

Thank y'all, so so so so much for the views and the votes and the comments, it all means so much.

There will be new books on the way,


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