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I get out bed and get ready for work then my daily skin routine. As I'm on my way to work I feel different and that's when I felt it skeet my best friend, co-worker and possibly secret lover. Wasn't going to be there at the set of Riverdale sometimes I forget he left and other times well you know. When pulled up to work or Riverdale. I decided to call skeet, but then I put my phone away a sudden wave of hurt and anger hit me. Instead I shoved my phone back into my purse and walked with confidence that was convering my anger.
Once I got to my trailer I set my purse and jacket down I checked my Instagram and a video of Madeline and Skeet popped up. Madeline, "don't leave us" Skeet, "Ok I'll stay how could I say no." Madeline, " YAY We did it guys.. just kidding." If only it wasn't a joke if only he stayed. I almost felt a tear come out of my eye then one the tv crew told to me to get ready for hair make up I sucked my tears moved on.
Then I just realized that I almost cried over skeet but why, we just friends who talk like lovers and occasionally acted like lovers a little to much sometimes. My phone dinged and trailer door opened at the same time and snapped me out of my thoughts, I put my phone down with out even looking at it and left my trailer. To get ready for the day not knowing my phone was blowing up with text messages from.......

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