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(Fp and Gladys are engaged and, Alice is a bridesmaid because they are all friends. Also their kids don't exist.)


"Uuuhhh shut up" Alice groaned trying to grab her phone. Once she looked at the time she jumped out of bed taking a quick shower.

She got dressed quickly running down hall in the hotel while still trying to put on her shoe. Alice could not be late for brunch after all she was Gladys's most trustworthy bridesmaid. Gladys trusted her more than her own childhood friends, even though she used to date Fp.

As soon as Alice got off the elevator she looked around for Fp and Gladys. It wasn't to long before she spotted them at the breakfast bar.

"Hey sorry I'm late" Alice said coming up behind them.
"Alice! It's no problem I'm just glad your here" Gladys smiled pulling her into hug.
"Well don't I get a hug" Fp said opening his arms.

Alice was hesitant at first but gave in. It was weird she thought that she would have felt something because it was her ex, but honestly she felt nothing for now.....

"Well I'm going to go get something eat" She pulled out of the hug
"Oh can you get a drink on your way back, thanks babe" Gladys winked
"Gladys it's a little early" He pulled her close causing Alice walk away
"Sweetheart it's our wedding rehearsal day let me have some" She leaned for a kiss which turned into a small make-out session till Fred interrupted.

"Save it for the honeymoon freaks" Fred smirked Fp
"Shut Fred" Fp pulled Gladys closer causing her to blush
"Here's your drink Gladys" Alice handed to her as placed her food down.
"Thank you so much" Gladys grabbed the drink and chugged.

"Good morning to you too Alice" Fred smirked sitting down next to taking a piece a fruit out of her bowl.
Good morning Fredrick" She said rolling eyes playfully.
"Hey Fred you might want to get some food before they close the breakfast bar" Gladys said snuggling up to Fp.

"I'm good plus Alice won't mind" Fred smiled at her. Which made Alice blush for second, which didn't go unnoticed by Fp.
"Of course not it's not the first time anyway" she slid her fruit bowl over to him.

(Later that day)

"Oh my gosh it's perfect babe don't you think" Gladys asked Fp as she looked around the venue and all the decorations.

Fp was to busy looking at Fred's arm around Alice. Alice pushed his arm then started play fighting. Which was really Fred grabbing Alice's waist from behind and her play hitting him they both laughing a lot.

"FP" Gladys yanked his arm to get his attention
"WHat! Shit I'm sorry baby yes I like it" He smiled trying to play it off. Gladys let go of his arm and walked away.

"Hey what's going on" Fred said putting Alice down
"Why is she so mad?" Alice said trying to catch her breath
Fp didn't even answer he just followed Gladys. Fred and Alice weren't far behind especially when Fred started ticking her. Which made Alice start running.

"Gladys baby look I'm sorry okay forgive me" He poked out his bottom lip like he was about to cry. Gladys never could resist that face he makes
"Fine as long as you make it up to me tonight" She smirked coming closer to him
"You know I will baby" Fp said about to kiss her until Fred and Alice interrupted.

"I thought we were going over the rehearsal not sex education" Fred chimed before their lips touched Alice laughed.
"Mood killers" Fp mumbled
"Heard that" Fred and Alice said at the same time.

"Okay let's go Alice wanna show you the dresses" Gladys said pulling her away from Fred
"But I have already seen them" She said a little confused
"I know that but I want to show you again" Gladys said trying to hint at her. Alice took the hint, after awhile.
"Oh yeah I think we should look again" Alice played along confusing the boys well mostly Fp.

"I'm lost" Fp said rubbing the back of his neck
"Awww your so cute" Gladys walking away while Alice and Fred shared a quick smile before she left. Fp noticed all there little silent gestures.

"What's going on there?" Fp patted Fred a little harder on purpose so he stop looking at Alice.
"What? Oh nothing.....that you need to be concerned about" Fred teased, which made FP slightly worried and mad.

Alice and Gladys went to the bridal suit where the dresses were. Gladys sat down with Champagne in her and handed one to Alice.

"What" Chuckled nervously was sipping her champagne slowly.
"Really.... I see you and Fred" She winked downing the alcohol and pouring some more.
"Well I don't know what to tell you" Alice leaned back in her chair and her legs crossed
"Your ex's best friend"
"Hey we are all friends plus Fred and I are closer than before" She smiled from the thought of them.

"Ok what is it Fp, you been staring me down ever since they left" Fred said putting his beer on the table
"Nothing, just you and my ex seem pretty comfortable" He said drinking his beer
"Fp look me and Ali- I mean Alice are just close" He said I had to grab his beer, but Fp snatched it.

"Come on man why you care" Fred laughed
"I don't but-
"Then you shouldn't mind if I take her out" Fp almost spit out his beer.

"HEY Jones" Tom came in followed by hog-eye, tall boy and a few other serpents
"Hey guys" Fp said getting up from the table greeting them. Just as Gladys and Alice came back giggling a little.

"Hey guys thanks for coming" Gladys said having Alice hold her up a little. Handing her over to Fp, then she walking over to Fred.

"Oh my looks like the bride to be is already having fun" Tall boy said giving Gladys a hug
"Oh yeah we had a lot of fun" Alice said wrapping her arms around Fred. He obliged to do the same. Fp tried his best not to look or be bothered but he was.

"Well now that everyone is here let's this party started" Everyone started cheering
"Wait what about the other bridesmaids" Alice said leaning into Fred
"We're RIGHT Hear!" They said causing Gladys to squealed with excitement.

After they finished the rehearsal and partying a lot everyone decided to go get some sleep. Fp, Gladys, Alice and Fred got back to the hotel, and were all about to go back to their rooms.

"Wait why don't we have dinner together" Gladys said very tipsy.
"Would Gladys but I have to finish your present for your bachelorette party for tomorrow" Alice hugging everyone goodbye.
"I'm just straight up tired, so goodnight" Fred said walking not far behind Alice.

Fp frowned at first and wondered what was going on. His thoughts were interruptive when Gladys started falling over. He picked her up carrying her to the elevator then to the room.

"Mmmhhh baby you ready for what you promised" She started stripping, but Fp you have stopped her.
"Sweetheart let's save if for the honeymoon" He smiled going to take a shower. Once he came back out she was asleep. He got dressed  quietly then he left the room.....

Where is he going?😏😏👀👀

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