Our Story

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(Long story ENJOY 😉)

Fp was a proud father of two kids in college. The sacrifices he made along the way were hard, but now they will all be worth it.

He had finished packing all his things the day before, he wanted to back to his women as soon as possible. On his long journey back Fp knew that it wasn't going to be easy to pick up where they left off, but it would be worth it.

After all Fp never said it was they end of their story completely, but for Jellybean it had end. Except he is back now and willing to fight for her, and he will have to put up a fight....

(The day before)

"Hahaha stop it Ryan" Alice giggled from the sudden of his lips all over her face and neck.

"Oh come sweetheart you know I can't." Ryan smiled at her. 'She is so beautiful I can't help but fall in love with her' Ryan thought to himself staring at Alice taking in all her beauty.

His thoughts were broken by sweet lips crashing down on his, he didn't think twice before deepening the kiss then pull her into his lap.

"Mmmm" Alice sighed from the contact of his warm fingers going under her shirt. Ryan broke the kiss only to attach his lips to her neck. Which didn't last long when Betty and the twins walked in.

"Oh my god grandma" Juniper said which made Alice jump off of Ryan. Betty placed her hands over the twins's eyes and walked upstairs as fast as she could.

"Well that's a way to scar your grandkids." Ryan joked cause Alice to chuckle, they both got off the couch and walked to the door. "See you after work." Alice said hugging him. "Of sweetheart." Ryan kissed her goodbye.

"Next time send a text or try not to get so lost you can't here the door open." Betty said coming downstairs, "Well I'm sorry Elizabeth that I was having good time with my boyfriend." Alice said walking upstairs to bed.


Fp was only 20 minutes from the house. He kept thinking how much he hurt her, but this would make up for it, because this was the last time they would be apart. Fp pulled but didn't see Alice's car it was probably in the garage.

"This is it Ali, this is our story." Fp whispered to himself and walked up to the door. He knocked a couple of times. Before someone answered it was Betty with coffee in her hands.

"Mr.Jones what are doing here?" Betty was a little upset about how he left her mom, even though it was for his daughter.

"Well I was looking for your mom. Is she home I didn't see here car?" Fp questioned he noticed it was a little quieter than he expected.

"Um no she's not here." Betty said opening the door for him to come in. "Oh well do you know when she'll be back." Fp wondered he couldn't wait any longer to see her.

Betty sighed although he had hurt her mom he was still there for them, in time of need. "Actually Mr. Jones there is something you need to know." Betty saw the worry on his face.

"Is your mom oaky did something happen?!" Fp felt his heart beat faster than ever. Betty quick to shutdown any assumptions. "No she is fine my mom is fine?" Fp calmed down, Betty was about say something when she saw Dagwood rub his sleepy eyes coming down stairs.

"Is grandma with Ryan still?" Fp felt a slight bit of pain when he heard another man's name and Alice in the same sentence.

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