"Are you mad at me" pt2

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When Alice and Charles arrived home they planned how they were going to prank FP. "Ok Charles so remember we go bed being nice to him, and tomorrow we ignore him all day OK."
Alice wanted to make sure Charles was ready.

"Yes mom I can't till tomorrow, it's going to be so fun!" Right when Charles said that FP Gladys and jughead came in side. "What's fun?" Jughead asked running to his brother. "My game, my football game tomorrow that's what's fun." Charles said

"Your games tomorrow?" asked Gladys "Yeah and where going to be loudest people in the stands." Fp said trying make it seem like he didn't forget Charles at school. "Yay Charlie football!" Said jughead like the excited little brother he always is.

"Well we should get some rest come jug bath time."Gladys came to pick him up. "I want daddy to do it." He said pointing to Fp. "I'll be there in minute."He said looking at us than back at jug. "actually why not let mommy do it tonight." Jug made a sad face but then said, "can you tuck me aftwer." Fp sighed, "of course." Jug smiled and waved.

"Well I going to get ready for bed." I say standing up. "Wait Alice sit please, I wanna talk to the both of you." Sitting down me and Charles gave a Fp the same facial expression.

"Charles, your mom and I had a talk at Pop's and I want the both of you to know that I love you. I know I spend time with jug and Gladys but- " dad it's OK we know they need more of your time than we do." Charles looks at me to say something I sighed.

"He's right Fp they do need more of your time than we do and we understand that's why I love you, why we love you." Me and Charles gave him a group hug, and smirked behind his back. Surprising Fp at first but he then gave in.

"Well I'm going to bed." I say getting up "me too." said Charles and we both walk to our rooms smiling. After I got ready the door opened I assuming it was Charles. "You need something sweetheart."

"Oh Fp what are you doing?" I am surprised that he even came to our bedroom. "Getting ready bed you know we share a bedroom right." He said smiling as he walked into the bathroom. "I know it's you never sleep with me." I sound like it's the most obvious thing in the world. " well i'm sleeping with you now." And he cuddled me to bed.

I woke up this morning feeling strong arms wrapped around my waist. Then I realize FP actually slept with me last night. I get quietly and tip-toe to Charles's bedroom. I shaking lightly but with force. "Mmmmm what time is it?" " are you ready to start the prank?" I smile and then his eyes popped open and that evil smirk returned. "I was born ready."

I tell him what we're gonna do then I sneak back into me and Fp's room to make it look like I've been sleep, and let him get up first to do his daily routine with jughead and Gladys. As soon as I feel the bed get lighter I knew it was Showtime.

After a few minutes of laying in bed I get up put on Fp's shirt on and not surprised at all I see him Gladys and jughead playing a game. Not even bothering to say hello to them I go into the kitchen and make me some coffee.

"Hey Ali baby." Fp press a kiss to my neck and wraps his arms around my waist, but I take his arms off my waist and walk past him with my coffee to Charles's room. After first he just stood in but the followed me.

"did I do something again?" He asked leaning against Charles's door frame. Completely ignoring him, I shook Charles awake "Charlie baby wake so you can have breakfast."

Charles opened his eyes getting his eyes used to the light and then he saw FP and looked back me. I smiled at him letting him know that the prank has just begun.

"There's my boy you ready for the big game today!" Fp said in full excitement Charles rubbed his eyes and went into the kitchen. "Boy I'm talking to you." Fp turned around and looked at me but I shrugged and went to the table.

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