"Rub My feet"

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(This take place during the 2018 comic con)

After standing in her heels answering questions, and talking about falice. Skeet notice Mädchen looked a little uneasy. Getting up from his set with out any noticing.

He sat next to Mädchen and started rubbed her shoulders. "What the Hell?!" She jumped at the sudden contact with her shoulders. Sighed in relief it was just Skeet. "Sorry ba- Mädchen."
He said with a teased smile. She punched him the arm.

"What was that for." He said rubbing his arm,
"For not calling me babe" she said in her Alice cooper tone. "I'm sorrwy babe." Getting so close to her they could kiss. "Hey Mädchen this your stop." Cole said as they pulled up to her hotel. " oops looks you won't get that sweet kiss after all." She said getting up, he pulled her down.

"Wanna bet baby." They both got up and walked down the aisle to leave the bus. "Skeet this isn't your hotel."Cole question looking at him sideways. "Oh yeah, but I need to charge for my phone plus I think I'm gonna switch hotels." He said looking Mädchen dead in the eye.

"Really you need a charger?" She said sarcastically as they were walking off the bus and to the hotel. "I'm so sorry baby. It's not like I could say oh I really just wanna go upstairs and make out." He smiled sarcastically grabbing her waist in the lobby.

"Your such a child." She said removing his hand walking to the elevator and pressing the button. Nonetheless Skeet followed, "I might be a child baby but I can-" He whispers in her ear, causing to let out a soft moan. "Like a real man, and you know you want it." He said give in her lower back tap to get in the elevator.

They finally get up to her room. Mädchen unlocks the door, finding the couch and falling on face first. "You tired babe" Skeet says walking over to her laying down on top of her back. "Uhhh you have no idea how much my feet hurt, and heavy man body isn't making it better." She huffed because her feet were killing her.

Skeet laughed and got off but sat next to her feet. Mädchen felt her feet get placed in the Skeet's lap. "Rub my feet" she said wiggling her toes in face. He took of her shoes and gave those feet a deep tissue massage. "Uhh that's it Skeet, oh god that feels amazing. Don't stop, Uhh that's the spot."

"You keep making those sounds I show you what really feels amazing." Pulling her feet from his hands she turned around and looked at him looked in awe. "You know I think I owe something." I say crawling in his lap on to straddle him.

"Oh you most certainly do" Pulling her closer to his lips with firm hands on her waist. They shared a passionate kiss which then turned into a hearted seven minutes make-out session. "Wait wait, I think you need to change your hotel room." She said pulling back for some air "why change the hotel room when I could just share with you." Trying to lean back in for another session.

"probably so you don't wasting money." She said wanting him to stay with her, but these hotels are expensive. "Fair enough I call right now." She got off him and went to the bathroom. "You coming back." He said looking desperately at her then back at his situation. "You said I owe a kiss not that."

"Your joking right" he said nervously smiling.
She just laughed and walked into the bathroom.

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