I Love You Always

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Later on throughout the day Alice was avoiding talking to Fp. Instead she tried to come up with every thing, she knew possible to get both her and his mind off of the situation.

"So how bout we watch a movie in bed." She whisper nibbling on his ear lobe. His arms instantly wrapped around her waist.
"I love that idea let's go right now." Little did she know Fp had a plan of his own to finally get them to talk about the situation.

"Wanna watch dirty dancing again." She said crawling into bed pulling back the covers for him to get in bed.

"Yeah let me change first." He pecked a kiss to her soft lips. Then all of a sudden he stripped down into his boxers. He hopped in bed scooting next to her, planting kisses all over her face which caused Alice to laugh.

"Wait wait wait we forgot to put in the movie." She said laughing about to get up.
"Actually I have a better idea." He pulled back into bed. Then placed her on his lap so she was straddling him. After that he looked at her then started kissing his neck.
"Fp ooohh, wait I th-think we should wa-watch the movie aahhh." She grabbed his hair slightly.

"Oh come Al we haven't done this in awhile." He said pulling up her shirt just a little.
She grabbed his hands immediately, then pulled his head away from her neck.
"What's wrong Ali baby?" He said about to lean  in for a deep kiss, but she pulled away looking deep into his eyes.

"Fp I think we should just watch the movie." She said slowly, he just looked up at her.
"Alice...." he grabbed the side of her face and that's when she completely broke down.
"I'm so sorry b-baby." She cried getting off of him and ran to the bathroom. Alice closed and locked the door.

Fp ran to the door about to open it, when he realized that she probably locked it he went back to sit on the bed and just waiting for her.

"hey." She said in a tiny voice
"Come here baby." Holding out his hand for her. She grabbed it and they snuggled up together.
"Can we finally talk about what just happened."
He ran his fingers trough her hair.
"Fp." She groaned
"No no listen, somethings wrong. You can't keep your emotions bottled up inside. You can't keep your emotions for me or at least I don't want you to." He looked down at her with sincerity.

"I'm not good enough anymore." She bluntly stated as she started to move, so he couldn't see her face anymore.
"Wait, what who told you that Alice." He said with a hint of anger in his voice.
"I threw away the food because it was making me fat, and when I'm fat I'm not good enough. The reason I went on a morning jog
was so I could lose weight so I could be good enough anymore and I never will be. I acted weird about the movie because I wanted you to be happy because..."

"STOP stop stop stop. Alice Smith look at me right now." She didn't move a muscle, he flipped her over on her side of the bed. Then got on top of her pining her wrist above her head, with one hand and using the other to make sure she was looking directly at him.

"How did you get the idea that you're not good enough?" He said looking her directly in the eye.
"Fp let's not kid ourselves, OK I know you leaving had nothing to do with me. Except when you came back everything was different." She said about to cry again so he instantly let her go.

"You're right me leaving wasn't about you but if you're feeling this way why didn't you say anything. Sorry I didn't notice sooner how long have you felt this way." He said in softer tone not even knowing how to go about the situation.

"I think that we should really just watch the movie." She said but didn't move a muscle.
"No, i'm not going to watch the movie until I get this straight until I know that you're OK. Baby I need you to talk to me please, tell me what's going on with you tell me something so I know how to fix it." He said pulling her back closer to his body.

"Ever since you left and then came back I've been competing with her even though it's over between you two. I still feel like I have to compete with her." Alice started getting tense just thinking about Gladys.

"Who's her baby?" He had a feeling of who she was talking about.
"No one Fp it's not important."
"You mean Gladys don't you." He propped himself up on his elbow so he can get a good look at her.
Alice turned around looking deep into his eyes shaking her head.

"You spent several years with her then not to mention a couple more years for Jellybean, you can't blame me for being self-conscious." She buried her head in his chest.
He sighed it hurt him to know that she felt this way, but how could she not he has left her multiple times. Not to mention he left her for years just for jellybean and now that he's back she still feels unwanted.

"Baby you're right I did leave for years and I only did it for a jellybean but I'm back now. Waiting to make up for a lot of lost time not just in high school, but for other times. I'm here Alice forever and I'm not leaving again and I'm sorry I keep leaving you, but I promise-

"Stop stop don't do that, don't promise me because everything you do you leave me." She moved back looking at him with sad eyes.

"You're right I do, so I won't promise you I'll tell you that I'm not leaving you again because I love you. So you don't have to compete with her anymore. It's you Alice it's always going to be you." He pulled her back in with kiss.

"I love you Fp." She mumbled into the kiss
"Now let's start the movie." She smiled up at him.
"Not so fast baby." Rolling on top of her
"But baby I want to watch a movie." She said in  baby voice.

"And we will as soon as I show you that you're enough." He started kissing down her body but stopped at her midsection. Alice was just about to pull him up, but he grabs her hands coming back up. He looked her deep into her eyes, leaning down.

"I don't care about your weight, I don't. I love you for who you are not for what you look like and you look damn sexy by the way." She looked away with tears in her eyes. Turning her face back to him he leaned down and gave her the most passionate most sexiest kiss he ever gave her.

"Don't ever think you have to keep, secrets from me or think that you have to lose weight for me, you don't. I love you Alice and as for your question, no I didn't have more fun with Gladys. Alice you're twice the woman she'll ever be." Leaning down he started kissing her neck.

"If have to prove it to you every night I will."
She turned around and looked deep into his eyes, like she was searching for his soul. She grabbed his face pulling him down on to her lips.

She pulled back just a little, "I Think that the movie can wait till tomorrow. I want you." She sighed a he kissed the sweet spot on her neck.
"Believe me baby you already have me." He mumbled against her neck.

They made love that night like it was there first time, and they wanted it to be meaningful, passionate, romantic and above all loving.

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