Safe word

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(Fp and Alice are on the southside in the trailer and just imagine if he has a little brother, and they all live together.)😝ENJOY😝

"Baby don't leave me." Alice whined as Fp was trying to get out of bed, except Alice had her legs and arms wrapped around his front.

"Ali baby you know I have to go sweetheart." He said trying to push himself off the bed to at least stand up.

"No you don't you just wanna leave me." She said in a mad baby voice

"Yo Fp let's go!" Fp younger brother called out.
"In a minute Spike!!" Walking to bathroom carrying Alice with him.

He place on the sink putting his hands on either side of her. Alice saw how serious he was and thought it was funny. Fp didn't find it funny, he couldn't be late for another meeting with Serpents.

"Alice I have to go work, so I'm going to put back on the bed. Then I am going to leave." He looked at her dead in the eyes.

"Hey I know you too like kinky, but Fp we need to go now!" Spike said walking into the bathroom receiving sharp glares from Fp and Alice.

"Ok you know what I'm leaving and I'll see you there Fp." He said walking awkwardly out of the bathroom.

Once the trailer door was shut Fp grabbed Alice off the sink. He walked back into their bedroom and carefully threw Alice on the bed.
She was about grab the back of his neck but Fp placed her hands above her head, Alice turned her head away from him causing Fp to chuckle.

"Alice look at me..."
She still didn't look
"Ali baby please don't do this now.."
Fp whined but Alice still didn't look so he leaned close to her ear
"I promise you that when I get back I will do whatever you want even if you too...."He started whispering in her which caused her to giggle turn around.

"Well what are still doing go go baby love be safe." She smiled pecking his lips
"That's all it took, Alice if I'm late you get punished." He left the room and quickly hurried to get dressed for his meeting.

(Later on that day. Well really it was night time)

Alice was watching tv when she heard the door open up walking in was Fp and Spike. Spike looked uneasy FP however look like nothing was wrong she could tell that something really was wrong. Alice looked at Spike for an answer, he just shook his head and grabbed a beer.

"Hey baby you ok" She got from the couch walking over to him in the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, baby yeah I'm fine" Alice was very unconvinced but didn't say anything yet, she wrapped her arms around him from behind. Alice placed some kisses on his neck. "Mmhhh someone missed me" he smiled turning around in her arms.

"Well kept me waiting for ever baby" Alice whined looking up at with a quivered lip.

"I'm here now baby so you don't have to wait anymore" He winked at her, leading them to the bedroom slowly. Fp was just about to open the door. Until Spike jumped in front of them.

"Spike move" Fp said trying to push him out the way.
"No no no uhun not tonight I wanna sleep so hell no." He said shaking his head blocking the door.
"Boy move." Fp said about to grab his collar, but Alice pulled him back. Then slowly turned to look at Spike.

"Forsyth we either mess up our bed or the couch take your pick." She crossed her arms like she was his mother. Spike groaned moving away from the door. That made Fp and Alice smirk as they walked into the bedroom.

"Can you at least-
Spike was cut by the door slamming
-be quieter than last night." He sighed walking to the couch turning the TV up putting a pillow over his ears, but it still wasn't enough.

•oh baby that's it....uuuuuhhhhhh....god you feel so goood....ooooooohhhhhh.....Alice baby..... I'm almost there Fp haaarrrdeerrr•

After awhile Alice laid her head on his chest listening to his heart beat. Fp was combing his hands through her hair, starring at the ceiling. Looked up to see her lover lost in his thoughts He saw her looking at him and smiled.

"Are ready to talk honey" She rubbed his chest not taking her eyes off him.
"What do mean baby" he looked at her confused.
"Fp stop don't do that I'm right here just tell me" She moved off him so she was leaning on her elbow.
"Alice I don't want to talk I just.... I.....Uhh" He sighed rubbing his head then looking at her leaning in connecting their lips, Fp didn't waist time to deepen the kiss.

"Fp wait ba-
"Alice please" Fp begged pulling her on top of him
"Fine but we're not done" She warned
"Of course not baby I promise."

Later on Alice walked out of the room in Fp shirt only to get a glass of water she thought Spike was sleeping. Of course Spike was awake how could he sleep with all the moaning and grunting.

"It was bad Alice" Spike said making Alice jump a little.
"Crap, Spike don't scare me like that" She placed the water on the counter.
"What happen today why is he so upset?" Spike could hear the worry in her voice and sighed.

"We are making a plan, then we got a call that one of the Serpents were in jail. The parents couldn't pay for the bail so we had to bail out for 300. Also another gang tried to spy on us, and that of course didn't go well." Alice could see the stress Spike was feeling, but she thought how much worse it was for Fp.

"Thank for telling me I'm going handle him. You can really get some sleep this time." She smiled reassuringly walking back to the room.

As she walked in she saw how distracted he was, it hurt her to know all the stress he was under today.

"Hey baby!" He said getting out of bed coming towards her, then picking her up then placing her on the bed and hovering.

She grabbed his face looking him deep into the eyes, "let all out baby I can take it" He looked at her but did as he was told. As soon as he entered her. He let out all the anger, the stress and it felt good for both of them.

However even though Alice was a moaning mess, I could still see that he was distracted. Her thoughts were broken when Fp started going faster then before. Alice was taken back and felt a little uncomfortable but if this made Fp feel better that's all that mattered. She started getting to get used to the feeling, until she used the safe word.

Fp looked down at her pulling out immediately without a second thought.
"Oh shit baby I'm sorry did hurt you" He rolled off of her laying next to her. Seeing what he did because she wasn't moving.

"Alice baby I'm sorry sweetheart" Fp started rubbing her stomach because her arms clinched around it.

"Fp honey"
"No Alice no I was so upset so blinded by what happen with the serpents today, I didn't even realize what I was doing to you. Do you I need a warm towel, a massage, what ever you want I'll give it to you." He saw her smile and was a little confused

"That's all I need it, right there for you to tell me what was going on today. I love you and I don't like when when we don't communicate talk to me next time baby. Tell me what's going on." She caressed his face turning slowly to face him.

"I will baby but do you need anything seriously are you sure you're ok and that I didn't hurt you." He still uneasy about what happen their SafeWord was a big word for them and they hardly ever used it.

"Actually all I really need is cuddles."
"Me too baby me too."
Alice turned her back towards him an FP pulled her close and they pulled the blanket on top of them and fell asleep.

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