"What's this"

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(Betty, Polly, Charles, Jughead, and jellybean don't exist. Also imagine Fp and Alice are still together after high school, and this is them in college at there college apartment. Now enjoy the story 😊)

Fp was waiting in the bedroom for Alice to get home when he decided to do a prank on Alice. In his head he knows the prank is very cruel and would led to something kinky or he would be single with no second chance.

He saw this prank on YouTube and how the girlfriends reacted knowing Alice she would have major reaction.

(Also just imagine they have YouTube back then)

Fp had to find a good spot to hide it. He had to do it quickly before she came home from her study group that when thought of it because he knows how clumsy Alice is and he loved her even more. Which gave the perfect hiding place.

Then he thought to make the prank look more Suspicious he decided to take his shirt and dab some water over his chest and ruffle the blankets so the look messy.

Right when he put his shirt on the front door opened. So rushed to bed, "it's show time" he whispered to himself.

"Babe I'm home" called Alice from their small kitchen. " hey baby" he said with a low voice. Alice smiled then disappeared. She looked suspicious as he walked out bedroom with messy hair and looked like he had been sweating from previous activities.

"Hey I missed you baby, I so lonely with out you." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her but she just stood there. Analyzing he's sleepy eyes and miss hair. "What no kiss back" he smiled tiredly she kissed him back slowly and cautiously. "That's more like it." "What we're doing today" he just looked like she was acting weird. He was about to say something but she cut him off.

" Never mind I bought you some Pop's since you love to eat." She said smiling to make sure he didn't see her insecurities. "Thanks baby wanna watch a movie." "Yeah let me take off my make up and change clothes." Wanting to make himself look guilty he said, "Why you look fine you worked so hard on your make up this morning so why take it off." Looking at him with hurt eyes as if her worst fear came true. She pushed him off and ran into their room then saw the messy sheets her heart literally skipped beat not in the good way.

Fp ran into the bedroom after her, and found her in the bathroom. "Ali baby lis-"What's this" she shaking like she had saw a ghost but it was much worse. "Al" was all he could say even though was a prank it felt real.

"Tell you didn't do this Fp. TELL ME" she asked shaking with anger holding a "used condom" "Alice I...uh....i- it's.... not" making sound like I was stuttering. " I HAVE BEEN SO LOYAL" she yelled throwing the condom at him.

"ALICE listen TO me" yelling trying not to laugh at her.

Alice " I knew it"
Fp "what"
Alice " I knew this was going to happen"
Fp "wait alic-
Alice "no I always knew it was going happen eventually"
Shocking Fp not if she was really saying this or speaking out of anger
Fp "Alice are serious"
Alice " are you serious I know I'm not that girl that is good enough for you to fuck but I wish you could've told me that my face."
Leaving Fp speechless and hurt that she would ever think that way about herself. He thought that everytime they made love she was enough she was more than enough. She is his everything his rock, his lover and future wife/mother of his future children.
Fp "Al bab-
Alice "don't al baby you kn-
Fp "It was a prank"

In shock and embarrassment Alice walked right passed Fp back to the bedroom then just laid there, on her back turned away from him pulled the covers over head. All she wanted to do now was forget she ever said that even though it was how felt.

"NO" Fp yelled yanking the covers off of her making Alice jump. "Fp please let it go. I was talking out of anger." Hoping that would be the end of the conversation "No you weren't and don't lie to me." He said coming around to her side of the bed. Alice sighed knowing him and just turn around but Fp got on top of her..........

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