Back to you 2

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(Light smut🤍😏)

Fp was just walking down the hallway towards the elevator. Once he got on he saw all the floor numbers, and was so confused which one he should press.

In his mind he was thinking through his options Floor 1 lobby floor, Floor 3 Fred and Alice. Little did he know this one decision could change his future marriage, but of course he chose floor 3.

As he got off the elevator he was walking past Alice's room to Fred's, but stopped when he thought Fred was probably sleep knowing him. He walked back to Alice's with a feeling of confidence. Fp was right in front of the about to knock when she opened it first.

"Hey ex" Alice giggled she was just a tad tipsy.
"I thought we were past that" Fp said pretending to be hurt.
"What it was just joke Jones" Alice thought it was funny. Then she saw Fp laughing she shoved his shoulder.

"I hate you" She said walking away from the door, looking back at Fp motioning him to come. He was happy to oblige closing the door behind him.

"Everything thing ok" Alice asked and plopped down on the bed
"Uhh yeah everything is fine" He said slowly walking towards her. Which made her sit up because she knew he was lying.
"Fp what's really going on"

"Come here" He said spreading her legs so she could wrap them around his waist and he could pick her up. She was hesitant at first, they only did this when they were a couple.
"Come on Alice" He pulling her off the bed

Once he picked her up off the bed she wrapped her legs around him burying her head in his neck.

"I missed this sometimes" He said walking around with her like she is a baby.
She pulled her head away looking him the eyes
"You could do this with Gladys" She said a little uncomfortable thinking about her, but Fp shook his head.

"It wouldn't be the same" He walking back over to the bed
"I guess your right there is a lot she doesn't have" Alice smirked at Fp as he sat so she was straddling him.
"Yeah that's true..... you Fred looked comfortable today" She could hear the jealous in his voice which made roll her eyes.

"Fp seriously, that's why you're here because of me and Fred" Alice said about to get off of him but he pulled her closer.
"So there is a you and him" He said low looking dangerously in her eyes

"Why does it matter" She titled her head to the side, while she ran her fingers through his hair.
"Alice you know what that does" Fp leaned forward putting his her on her chest, and pulling her even closer.

"Fp we broke up and now you're engaged. So it doesn't matter if see someone else" Alice said pulling his head from her chest.
"Yeah it does he is our best friend, and I'm jealous of the way you blush around him the way you two tease me. I want you so bad but I'm engaged and all I want to do right now is kiss you're chest." He looked up with glossy eyes, Alice just had to given from all the lying.

"I'm not stopping you" She said pulling his head closer to where he wanted it. Fp looked up to make sure it was okay, then back down and kissed her chest. He didn't stop there he started kissing around her boobs then up to her neck and finally her lips. That's when they shared a passionate tongue battling kiss that Alice moaned in, but it didn't stop there....,

•"Oh my goooooddddd Alice baby that feels amazing". "Oh god don't stop Fp uuuuuhhhhhh". "Scream my name Alice keep screaming don't stop ooohhhh bae, FP aahahhhh"•

(The Next Morning)

Alice woke up to a heavy feeling in her waist, and something hard against her back. Or should I say someone when she saw a muscular arm around her waist. She slowly turned around not wake up whoever was behind her.

Then she saw his messy hair, tan abs, and scruffy beard. She was admiring him an inch at time with her eyes. Until she realized that they were naked and had clothes spread out all over the bed.

"Oh shit Oh Shit OH SH-
"Not so loud baby shhhh lay back down"
"Fp get up right now!" She pushed him up

"No Alice lay back down" Fp said trying to pull her back down to him.
"Did you hear what you just said"
Fp finally opened his eyes and looked at her with a blank expression.

"Yes Alice Smith yes I did hear what I said"
Alice fell back on the bed with her hand covering her face.

"Alice please don't overact" Fp said scooting closer to her to where his head was on her shoulder.

Alice took a few deep breath's to keep her calm, then turned her head to look him. She couldn't help but smile at him which he returned.

Without thinking Alice started to lean towards Fp. Fp just looked at her then started leaning until the lips connected.

They both so caught up in the kiss that she licked his bottom lip to gain access to his mouth. Their tongues started moving in sync, Fp rolled on top of her and without warnings he entered her, causing Alice to gasp from the contact.

"Fp we can't ooohh" She moaned when he started moving slowly. He bends down and started to kiss her neck
"Baby you feel so good" He mumbled in the side of her neck.

Alice knew what they were doing was wrong but, it felt so good. The way he was handling her she loved it she didn't want it to stop.

Moving in sync with his movements she felt something different.
"Fp why aren't you going faster" She looked at him sincere in the eyes.
"You already know why" He looked back at her with same sincerity.

"Wait Fp-
"Shhh Ali baby let me make love to you" Leaning to kiss her lips she started to feel her climax and Fp was so wrapped up in her, that he released.

Alice broke the kiss from feeling Fp just feel her up. She let a loud but soft sigh of pleasure causing her to realize as well. Fp looked at the pleasure he brought her and collapsed right on top of her they laid like that for awhile, and just enjoyed the feeling with each other.

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